Study notes on preposition for SSC BANK and other exams - PREPARE ENGLISH FOR SSC BANK AND OTHER EXAMS:ENGLISHKENDRA

🔘Compilation of most Important One Word Substitutions for SSC, BANK Exams 

◾Libertine - A person who leads an immoral life

◾Convalescent - one who is recovering health after illness.

◾Swashbuckler - A boastful fellow

◾Debonair - gracious;polished and lighted hearted person

◾Dilettante - a dabbler(not serious) in art, Science and literature

◾Highbrow - A person considering himself /herself to be superior in culture and intellect

◾Iconoclast - One who is breaker of images and traditions

 ◾Pacifist - One who hates war, loves peace. 

 ◾Misogamist - One who hates the institution of marriage. 

 ◾Interregnum - a period of interval between two regimes and governments

 ◾Parable - A short story with  a moral

 ◾Pantheism - the belief that God pervades nature

◾Termagant - A noisy quarrelsome woman

◾Almanac - An annual calendar with position of stars

◾Platonic - Something spiritual

◾Regalia - Dress with medals , ribbons worn at official ceremonies

 ◾Venial - A slight fault that can be forgiven

 ◾Sanatorium - a place for the sick to recover health

 ◾Menagerie - A place for wild animals and birds

 ◾Eugenics - The study of production of better offsprings by the careful selection of parents

◾Brocade:- woven fabric richly ornamented with designs

•Outlet:- way out for water stream

•Ranger:- warden employed to patrol a tract of forest

•Fiend:- very wicked or cruel person

•Peculation:- use of public money for one's own benefit

•Inconsiderate:- unmindful of the feelings of others

•Paratroops:- troops trained for being dropped by parachute

•Booty:- things taken by robbers

•Heirloom:- things that is handed down in a family for several generations

•Pestiferous:- that which is morally dangerous

•Palliative:- that which can lessen the severity of pain

•Imponderable:- that cannot be weighed

•Saccharin:- substance used in place of sugar

•Insinuate:- suggest indirectly

•Hagiology:- study of literature dealing with lives of saints.

•Allegory:- story in which ideas are symbolised as people

•Fluke:- stroke of good luck

•Speleology:- study and exploration of caves

•Contrite:- showing deep sorrow for wrong doing

•Profligate:- shamelessly immoral

•Consecration:- setting apart for a special purpose. 

•Conventicle:- secret religious meeting. 

•Aetiology:- science of the causes of disease. 

•Intersperse:- place here and there. 

•Porch:- roof supported by columns at the entrance of building. 

•Recapitulate:- repeat the main points. 

•Restitution:- restoring of something stolen to its owner. 

•Counter-foil:- receipt kept by the giver as a record. 

•Emboss:- raise a pattern or design on the surface of something. 

•Perspicacious:- quick to judge and understand. 

•Veto:- power of right of rejection. 

•Outrider:- someone who goes in advance of an automobile or person to clear a passage. 

•Foundry:- place where metal or glass is melted or moulded. 

•Paraphernalia:- personal belongings, equipment etc.

•Groom:- person whose work is to look after horses. 

•Mountebank:- person who tries to cheat people by clever talk. 

•Attache:- person who is attached to the staff of an ambassador. 

•Nonpareil:- person or thing which is unrivaled. 

•Marauder:- person or animal that goes about in search of plunder or prey. 

•Upstart/parvenue:- one who has suddenly risen to wealth and power. 

•Roundsman:- one who goes round to ask for orders and delivery goods. 

•Suitor:- one who courts or woos a woman. 

•Overleaf:- on the other side of the page or sheet. 

•Communique:- official announcement issued to the press. 

•Omnifarious:- of all sorts

•Carousal:- noisy drinking party or merry making. 

•Crux:- most important or difficult part of a problem. 

•Canto:- main division of a longer poem. 

•Philomuse:- lover of poetry and art. 

•Aphasia:- loss of ability to use speech. 

•Inquest:- legal or judicial enquiry to find out faults. 

•Crate:- light wooden framework used for goods in transport. 

•Emporium:- large retail store. 

•Peroration:- last part of speech. 

•Impiety:- lack of respect or religious reverence. 

•Strangulate/smother:- kill by putting pressure on the throat. 

•Heckle:- interrupt and ask troublesome questions. 

•Dissimulation:- hiding of true feelings. 

•Virulent:- highly poisonous. 

•Conflagration:- huge destructive fire. 

•Cognate:- having the same source of origin. 

•Omniform:- having every form. 

•Misocapnic:- hater of smoking. 

•Gaggle:- group of talkative girls or women. 

•Omnibus:- gathering of all things. 

•Inroad:- forcible or serious encroachment. 

•Bibulous:- fond of much alcoholic drink. 

•Henchman:- faithful supporter. 

•Chaperon:- elderly woman in charge of a girl. 

•Mores:- customs and habits of a particular group. 

•Scrimmage:- confused struggle or fight. 

•Omnigenous:- comprising of all kinds

•Compendium:- brief account of a subject. 

•Cradle/Crib:- bed for a new born baby. 

•Verso:- any left hand page of a book. 

•Recto:- any right hand page of a book. 

•Hypotension:- abnormally low blood pressure. 

•Acquiesce:- accept silently or without protest. 

•Overzealous:- excessive bold. 

•Outskirts:- the parts of a town that are furthest from the centre. 

•Offhand:- without preparation. 

•Nostradamus:- one who make predictions. 

•Denizen:- a person, an animal  or a plant that lives, grow, or is often found in a particular place. 

•Flagstaff:- a long pole on which a flag is flown. 

•Lacunae:- a missing part. 

•Intercede:- plead to obtain a favour ti save someone else. 

•Newfangled:- newly developed and unfamiliar. 

•Vespers:- evening prayer in the church. 

•Knick-Knack:- a simple dress or food. 

•Ill-gotten money:- amassed wealth by wrong mean. 

•Ibid:- in same place. 

•Hobnob:- drink together, have familiar intercourse. 

•Hoax call:- give wrong information to concerned authority by making calls. 

•Habiliment:- dress suited to any particular occasion. 

•Grandiloquence:- bombastic speech. 

•Eructation:- the act of belching. 

•Enrapt:- one who's very much delighted. 

•Delirium:- disordered state of the brain. 

•Dangler:- one who dangles. 

•Acerose:- needle shaped. 

•Anile:- Like a weak old woman. 

•Atychiphobia:- fear of failure. 

•Beadle:- one who takes care of religious activities. 

•Blackbirding:- kidnapping for selling into slavery.

•Bumpkin:- one who comes from village and considered stupid. 

•Caries:- dental decay. 

•Castigate:- to correct by punishing. 

•Chimerical:- having no existence in reality or no likelihood of existing or happening. 

•Cuckold:- man whose wife has been unfaithful to him. 

•Deism:- a belief in God based on reason rather than revelation and involving the view that god has set the universe in motion but does not interfere with how it runs. 

•Desperado:- one who's ready to do any reckless or criminal act. 

•Dragnet:- a system of connected action and method for catching criminals. 

•Elegiac:- expressing sorrow or lamentation. 

•Empirical:- belief based on experience or observations. 

•Foolscap:- a size of paper, also called legal format. 

•Fuddy-Duddy:- an elderly person who does not understand or approve of modern Ideas. 

•Nemesis:- downfall that satisfies natural justice. 

•Palaver:- idle or time wasting talk. 

•Lozenge:- figure with four equal sides. 

•Lowbrow:- one who has no interest in literature, art etc.

•Labial:- of the lips. 

•Otologist:- ear specialist. 

•Petrology:- a study of rocks. 

•Piggyback:- ride on someone else back. 

•Ringleader:- one who leads others to do wrong or make trouble. 

•Simian:- like an ape or monkey. 

•Small fry:- unimportant people. 

•Sophism:- a fallacious argument. 

•Virago:- an ill-tempered scolding woman. 

•Wag:- a jocular person who is full of amusing anecdotes. 

Hey the one who landed here to learn some most important one word substitutions for your exams ,Happy Learning! Hope this post serves you. Good luck.Have a great time ahead.

Study notes on preposition (with questions and detailed solution) for SSC BANK and other exams

💯Click here for the compilation of 20 frequently asked GRAMMAR RULES in bank (IBPS, SBI) exams  

💯Click here for the compilation of frequently asked GRAMMAR RULES in SSC(CGL  CPO  CHSL) exams  



Ok now let's talk about preposition as it's a very important chapter from exam point of view. 

💠Study notes on Preposition for SSC, Bank and other exams   :

💯Click here for the compilation of important error spotting/error detection question from Preposition(with solution)  

◾A preposition is a word that helps to establish a relation among noun, pronoun,adjective, verb, adverb by joining them to one another. 

For example 
Kareena  was in the balcony. ✔️
(Here preposition 'in' joins one noun 'Kareena' to another noun 'balcony' ) . 

Sheetal slipped off the stairs. ✔️
(Here preposition 'off' joins verb 'slipped' to a noun 'stairs') . 

Some examples of preposition :
At, in, of, for, to, off, above, over, below, across, through, among, between, on, upon etc

🔷Let's discuss some important rules associated with PREPOSITION(with examples) 

💯Click here to practise READING COMPREHENSION /RC/PASSAGE (with detailed solution and handy tips) 

💯Click here to practise CLOZE TESTS (with detailed solution

1) I don't believe in wasting time. ✔️

⚫RULE 1 - When verbs are placed after prepositions (other than 'to') , they should be in the gerund form (v1+ ing) except when they are used in infinitive form. 

Let's see some more examples

Mohit insisted on going to Mumbai. ✔️
P. V. Sindhu  was confident of winning the tournament.✔️

⚫Note - The following phrases end in 'to' and are followed by 'ing'  form of verb (gerund). 
Be used to, accustomed to, averse to, addicted to, look forward to, with a view to , owing to, devoted to, in addition to, object to, taken to, prone to. 

I am looking forward to meet her. ❌
I am looking forward to meeting her. ✔️
He is addicted to smoke. ❌
He is addicted to smoking. ✔️

Kareena kapoor is not accustomed to living a middle class lifestyle.✔️

I am used to wake up early morning. ❌
I am used to waking up early morning. 


💯 Click here for the compilation of IMPORTANT RULES associated with QUESTION TAG(with examples) 

2)  Since she was unwell(a)/, so she didn't (b) /go there(c) /No error

Solution : The error is in (b) 

⚫RULE 2 - " since, because and as " are not followed by so/therefore /that's why. 
🔹Exception - As you sow, so shall you reap.

3) It's not a safe place to live.❌

It's not a safe place to live in. ✔️

⚫RULE 3 - When an infinitive qualifies a noun, the preposition is placed after infinitive.

Let's see another example - 
Shivangi gave me a pen to write.❌

Shivangi gave me a pen to write with.✔️




4) Her dress is different and cheaper than mine.❌
Her dress is different from and cheaper than mine. ✔️

⚫RULE 4 - when two words/adjectives require different prepositions, appropriate prepositions should be used with both the words. 

This is the restaurant of that she always talks.❌
This is the restaurant that she always talks of. ✔️

⚫RULE 5 - A preposition is usually placed before its object but when the object of the preposition is a relative pronoun 'that',   it is placed after it. 

6) I will fetch you a dress from the city mall. ✔️

I will fetch a dress for you from the city mall.✔️ 

 RULE 6 - This is the case of omission of preposition before indirect object. There are two objects in the sentence. 

Dress - direct object
You - indirect object 
So to keep the sentence simple we may omit preposition before indirect object. 

Let's see other examples:

I will buy you a smartphone this year. ✔️
I will buy a smartphone for you this year. ✔️

I will find Shivangi a nice job. ✔️

I will find a nice job for Shivangi. ✔️

💯Click here for the study notes on ACTIVE-PASSIVE VOICE(with examples)  
💯Click here for the study notes on DIRECT-INDIRECT SPEECH (with examples) 

7) When I was going to the market ,(a) / I suddenly came across (b) /my childhood friend(c) /No error 

Solution - The error is in (b)

Remove  'suddenly'

⚫Note - 'come across' means to meet suddenly or by chance.Hence 'suddenly' or 'by chance' can't come with come across. 

8) I came across with my(a) / best friend while I(b) / was going to market(c) /No error 

Solution - The error is in (a)
Remove 'with'
⚫Note - 'with' is not used with 'come across'. 

9) The bridge was built across the river. ✔️

The bridge was built over the river. ✔️

Important point - though bridge 'over the river' is preferred, bridge 'across the river' is also correct. 

⚫Note - ACROSS  and OVER are both prepositions and adverbs. They are in most cases interchangeable.

Look at these sentences:

Shivangi had to go across the river to get to their house.✔️

Shivangi and Shweta walked over the bridge in the misty morning.✔️

However, when the meaning is ‘from side to side’, ACROSS is preferred:

I ran across the street.✔️

We use 'OVER' to talk about movement or position at a higher level than something else:

A beautiful yellow bird flew over the lake.✔️

With an umbrella over her head, she was able to protect herself from the midday sun.✔️

10) Suraj entered into the classroom.❌

Suraj entered the classroom. ✔️

⚫Note - 'Enter' without the preposition 'into' is used  to enter physical spaces.But in case of any agreement 'enter' takes 'into' after it. 

We regret entering a financial agreement with them.❌
We regret entering into a financial agreement with them.✔️

11)  I informed to the police of the accident
. ❌

I informed the police of the accident. ✔️
⚫RULE 7  - Verbs of communication ( advise, tell, inform, ask, beg, command, request, encourage , order  urge etc) don't take preposition 'to' before the direct object. 

Another example

He encouraged to me to start that business.❌

He encouraged me to start that business. ✔️

12) Sohan is going in car. ❌

Sohan is going by car. ✔️

⚫RULE 8 - It's a simple sentence but still we tend to make mistakes, so keep in mind that Mode of transportation takes preposition 'by' when it comes with go/come/arrive etc. 

13) We shall have finished the syllabus in the end of next month.❌

We shall have finished the syllabus by the end of next month. ✔️

Note - 'By' is used for 'point of time' (not later than) as a preposition of time.

My mother told me to return home by 8 pm. ✔️

14) He died from cancer. 

He died of cancer. ✔️

He died of thirst. ❌

He died from thirst. ✔️

Note - 'of' is used when there is mention of any disease. 

15) He is conscious and engaged in his work. ❌

He is conscious of and engaged in his work. ✔️

⚫RULE 9 - If two Verbs /adjectives take two different prepositions, we must mention both the preposition

16) The saint emphasized (a) /on the need of (b) /discipline in life(c) /No error 

Solution - The error is in (b)

⚫RULE 10 - Stress, Emphasize, Investigate, resembles, Comprise , Accompany, Consider, Pervade, Precede, Succeed, Discuss, Describe etc are not followed by any preposition if they are used in active voice. 

Sneha resembles as her mother. ❌

Sneha resembles her mother. ✔️

17) Shivani suggested me (a) /that I should(b) / leave that job(c)/No error 

Solution - The error is in (a)

Add 'to' after suggested

⚫RULE 11 - 'to' is used after say, suggest, propose, speak, reply, explain, complain, talk, listen, write, report etc if the object is a living being.

◼️Some confusing pairs of preposition

1) Between and Among 

Between is used in reference to the association of two. 

Example - The sweets will be distributed between Suhana and Ananya. 

⚫Note - Between can be used in  reference to more than two when 
a) we talk about a definite number of people, things etc

Example - There is a tournament to be played between India, Srilanka and England.✔️

b) When we talk about mutual relationship 

There is an alliance between the three Asian countries. ✔️

⚫KIM (keep in mind) - Between is followed by 'and'. 
'Between.... and' takes objective case of pronoun. 

There is no friendship between he and I. ❌
There is no friendship between him and me. ✔️

Among is used in reference to the association of more than two. 

Example - Sweets are to be distributed among them.✔️

2) Beside and Besides

Beside - Adjacent 

She was standing beside me. ✔️

Besides - Apart from 

Besides Kareena Kapoor her husband was also there in the party. ✔️

3) By and With

By - indicates the doer
With - indicate the means

Let's see  examples :

A fish is caught by him with a rod. ✔️
The snake was killed by him with a rod. ✔️

4) In spite of and Despite 

Both have the same meaning, that is, regardless of. We don't use 'of' with despite.


Despite of being rich, she is not happy. ❌
Despite being rich, she is not happy. ✔️

In spite working hard, Ishaan failed. ❌
In spite of working hard, Ishaan failed. ✔️

5) On time, in time, in good time

On time - on a fixed/scheduled time(neither before nor after) 

Example - The train is running on time. 

In time - in the given time span

Example - We reached the examination centre in time.

In good time (with comfortable margin) 

Example - I arrived at the show in good time.

6) Across, Over and Through 

ACROSS  and OVER are both prepositions and adverbs. They are in most cases interchangeable.

Look at the sentences:

Sara  had to go across the river to get to their house.✔️

Suhana  and Ananya walked over the bridge in the misty morning.✔️

However, when the meaning is ‘from side to side’, ACROSS is preferred:

I ran across the street.✔️

We use 'OVER' to talk about movement or position at a higher level than something else:

A beautiful yellow bird flew over the lake.✔️

With an umbrella over her head, she was able to protect herself from the midday sun.✔️

Through indicates movement from one end to other end via medium. 

Example - The message was Conveyed to Ananya  by Suhana through Karan.✔️

Hey the one who landed here in order to learn important error spotting questions From preposition, Happy Learning!Have a great time ahead.

Study notes on preposition for SSC BANK and other exams

Study notes on preposition for SSC BANK and other exams Study notes on preposition for SSC BANK and other exams Reviewed by Admin on September 05, 2019 Rating: 5

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