Study notes on adjective/Compilation of important rules associated with ADJECTIVE For SSC, BANK and Other Competitive Exams - PREPARE ENGLISH FOR SSC BANK AND OTHER EXAMS:ENGLISHKENDRA
Study notes on adjective/Compilation of important rules associated with ADJECTIVE  For SSC, BANK and Other Competitive Exams

💯Click here for the compilation of important ERROR DETECTION QUESTIONS from Adjective(with detailed solution) 

⏩Study Notes on Adjective for SSC, Bank and other exams 

🔷Let's discuss some important rules associated with ADJECTIVE (with the help of examples) 

⚫ RULE 1 -   Adjectives of quantity show how much of a thing is meant. Adjectives of quantity (some; much, little, enough, all, no, any, great, half, sufficient, whole) are used for Uncountable Nuns only.

I ate a few rice. ❌
I ate some rice.✔️

⚫ RULE 2-Numeral Adjectives are used for Countable Noun only and they show how many persons or things are meant or in what order a person or thing stands. 

I have taught my son little things.❌

 I have taught my son a few things.✔️

Q. Little quantity(a) / of food was (b) /given to the beggar(c) /No error

Solution : Error is in (a)
Replace 'Little' with 'Small'

⚫RULE 3 - Little & Few can't be used to qualify 'quantity'  or 'number',  Instead 'small' is used. 

Q.  Little common sense (a) /can bring(b) /success to you(c) /No error

Solution : Error is in (a)
'A little ' is the correct usage here

⚫RULE 4 - Little/few means "hardly any"(negative sense) 
'A little/a few' means "some" (affirmative sense) 
The little/the few means "some (but all)"




⚫ RULE 5- When cardinal and ordinal are used together ordinal precedes the cardinal.

The five first girls will be given the chance.❌
The first four girls will be given the chance.✔️

⚫ RULE 6- Each is used in speaking of two or more things, every is used only in speaking of more than two.

For example,

 Every of the two boys will get a prize.❌
Each of the two boys will get a prize.✔️
Every of the three boys will get a prize.✔️

⚫ RULE 7- To express quantity or degree some is used in affirmative sentences, any in negative or interrogative sentences.

Have you bought some apples?❌
Have you bought any apples?✔️

⚫ RULE 8-  In comparing two things, the Comparative should be used, The Superlative should not be used.

Which is the best of the two?❌
Which is the better of the two?✔️

Q.  Nyasa Devgan is(a) / wiser than(b) /beautiful (c)/No error 

Solution : Error is in (b)
'more wise' is the correct usage here.
Nyasa Devgan is more wise than beautiful. ✔️
Nyasa Devgan is  wiser than beautiful.❌

⚫RULE 9 - When two quantities of a noun or pronoun are compared with each other,  comparative form (more + positive degree) is used only, not 'er' comparative form  . 

⚫ RULE 10- When comparison is made by means of a comparative, the thing compared should be excluded from the class of things with which it is compared by using ‘other’ or some such word.

Himesh is cleverer than any boy in the class.❌
Himesh is cleverer than any other boy in the class.✔️

Q. Platinum is(a) / more precious than (b) /any metal(c) /No error 

Solution : Error is in (c)
Right usage is - Platinum is more precious than any other metal. ✔️

Q.  Diamond is (a) /more precious than(b) / any metal(c)/No error 

Solution : No error

Note - The above sentence is correct because diamond is not a metal.

⚫ RULE 11- When comparison is made by means of a superlative, the thing compared should include the class of things with which it is compared.

He is the strongest of all other men.❌
He is the strongest of all men .✔️

⚫ RULE 12-When two persons or things are compared, it is important that the same parts of things should be compared.

The population of Patna is greater than Bhopal.❌
The population of Patna is greater than that of Bhopal.✔️

⚫ RULE 13- Double comparatives and superlatives should not be used.

He is the most cleverest boy in the class.❌
He is the cleverest boy in the class.✔️

⚫ RULE 14- The comparative Adjectives superior inferior, senior, junior, prior, anterior, posterior prefer, etc., should be followed by ‘to’ instead of ‘than’.

He is senior than me.❌
He is senior to me.✔️

Q. The teacher (a) /delivered a (b) / two hours lecture(c) /No error 

Solution : Error is in (c)

⚫RULE 15 - Many nouns are a part of hyphenated or compound adjective .They never come in plural form. 

Right usage is - The teacher delivered a two-hour lecture. ✔️

Q. My all friends(a) /got selected (b) /in the exam(c) /No error 

Solution : Error is in (a)

⚫RULE 16 - Possessive case comes after 'All' and 'Both' and not before them. 

So right usage is - All my friends got selected in the exam. ✔️

Let's see another examples

My all efforts ended in smoke. ❌
All my efforts ended in smoke. ✔️ 

 My both friends are smart.❌ 

Both my friends are smart. ✔️

Q.  Sara is both(a) / cleverer and intelligent (b) /than her sister(c) /No error 

Solution : Error is in (b)
Add 'more' before intelligent

⚫RULE 17 - When two adjectives qualify the same noun, both the adjectives should be expressed in the same degree. 

Q.  Alia not only(a) / came to see me(b)  but also to take her old book(c) /No error 

Solution : Use ' not only' before ' to see'

⚫RULE 18 - "Either, Neither, Only, Both, Even, But also"  should be placed immediately before the words they emphasize. 

For Example
Neither she is intelligent nor honest. ❌
She is neither intelligent nor honest.✔️

RULE 19 - 'As' is used in the positive degree to denote equality while 'than' is used in the comparative degree. Both 'as' and  'than' are required to be used when a sentence contains adjectives in positive and comparative forms. 

Example - 
Kangna is as honest, if not more than me.❌
        Kangna is as honest as, if not more than me. ✔️

RULE 20 - No comparison is implied in the sentences where there is 'times' used for comparison. So positive degree is used. 

My pen is three times cheaper than yours. ❌

My pen is three times as cheap as yours. ✔️

Let's see another examples

Your income is many times higher than Sohan's. ❌

Your income is many times as high as Sohan's. ✔️

This book is ten rupees cheaper than yours. ✔️
(no 'times' has been used here) 

⚫RULE 21  - The order of adjective qualifying a noun is as followed 

Size - Shape - Age - Color - Nationality - Material - Noun

bought a big black round Indian plastic table. ❌

I bought a big round black Indian plastic table. ✔️

⚫ RULE 22 - Adjectives like ‘unique’, ideal,perfect, complete, universal, entire, extreme, chief, full square and round, which do not admit different degrees of
 comparison should not be compared.

It is the most unique thing.❌
It is a unique thing.✔️

⚫ RULE 23 -Elder’ and ‘eldest’ should be used for persons only, strictly speaking, they are used for the members of the same family only. ‘Older’ and ‘oldest’ are used for both persons and things.

He is my older brother.❌

He is my elder brother.✔️

⚫ RULE 24 - Later, latest refer to time, latter and last refer to position.

 I reached at 11 am,
but she was latter than I expected.❌
I reached at 11 am,but she was later than I expected. ✔️

⚫ RULE 252- Farther means more distant or advanced; further means additional.

My father insisted on farther improvement.❌

My father insisted on further improvement.✔️

💯Click here for the compilation of important error detection questions from Adjective(with detailed solution)

The one who landed here to learn some important grammar rules based on Adjective, 
Happy Learning! Hope the post serves you.Have a great time ahead.

Study notes on adjective for SSC BANK and other exams

Study notes on adjective/Compilation of important rules associated with ADJECTIVE For SSC, BANK and Other Competitive Exams Study notes on adjective/Compilation of important rules associated with ADJECTIVE  For SSC, BANK and Other Competitive Exams Reviewed by Admin on September 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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