English Practice set 3(Error detection,Cloze test, phrase replacement, fillers, Para jumbles)(New pattern) (with detailed solution) for SBI CLERK MAINS 2020 - PREPARE ENGLISH FOR SSC BANK AND OTHER EXAMS:ENGLISHKENDRA
English Practice set 3(Error detection,Cloze test, phrase replacement, fillers, Para jumbles)(New pattern)  (with detailed solution)  for SBI CLERK MAINS 2020   

🔘As we know how important English language section plays when it comes to SBI IBPS CLERK/PO exam.
Tackling English section with wits can give you an edge over other students. And English is all about practice, so to make your job easier,we have come up with a series of " TOPIC WISE PRACTICE SETS" comprising '200 New pattern QUESTIONS with detailed solution' for SBI CLERK MAINS 2020 . 

🔷Direction (1-2) : Sentences with one or more blanks are given, indicating that something has been omitted.Choose the word that fits the blank appropriately. 

💯Click here to attempt practice set 1 questions

1) A. She does not come from a/an____ family.
B. We are greatly ____ that we have the home minister among us today.

a) affluent

b) affluence
c) forth
d) admire
e) privileged  

2) A. It is a/an ____ venture to serve one's country in the armed forces.

B. Her literary and scientific reputation speedily brought her ____ recognition. 

a) persistence

b) daring 
c) boring
d) honourable 
e) None of these 

💯Click here for the compilation of FILLERS questions asked in BANK (SBI  IBPS) exams 

💯Click here for the compilation of PHRASE REPLACEMENT QUESTIONS asked in BANK (SBI  IBPS) exams 

Direction (3-5) :  In each of the given questions, a pair 
of words has been given which is then followed by three 
statements. Find the statements where both the words
grammatically and contextually fit in the given statements.

3) Ponder: Study
(a) Take a few minutes and _________ the question 
before you jump to a conclusion.
(b) Conjoint repression of civil and religious liberty 
had made thoughtful men ____________ matters of 
church polity.
(c) The purpose of this _________ is to document the 
structure of a warm front in northeast Europe.
(a) Only A (b) Only B (c) Both B & C
(d) Both A & B (e) None of these

4) Anomaly: Departure
(a) Since my son has a history of failing classes, his 
good grades are a welcome ________________.
(b) It was quite an/a ___________ when the 
temperature reached 101 degrees in December 
in Michigan.
(c) The attention of the council was drawn to an/a 
____________ in the existing arrangements for 
patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis.
(a) Only A (b) Only B (c) Only C
(d) Both A & C (e) All (A), (B), (C)

5) Accolade: Recognition
(a) Facebook has lost a federal appeal in a lawsuit 
over facial _______________ data, setting the 
company up to face a massive damages payment 
over its privacy practices.
(b) A majority of workers with university degrees 
say they won't enrol in new training unless they 
get _____________ for prior training and experience.
(c) For their exceptional bravery the firefighters 
received ___________ from both local and national 
(a) All A, B & C (b) Both A & B (c) Both B & C

(d) Only C (e) None of these

Directions (6-10): Given below are five statements, followed by a set of questions. Answer each of the question based on the given statements. 

a) Whatever one may (A)/ say of her, no one (B)/ dare call in question (C)/ her honesty of purpose. (D)/ No error (E)

b) When Mrs. Sharma heard his knock,(A)/ she went to the door and opened it, (B)/but she did not recognize him 
at first (C)/because she was not wearing her glasses.(D)/ No error (E) 

c) Following a succession of Nazi defeats and the suicide (A)/of Adolf Hitler, Germany signed the instrument of 
surrender on May 7, 1945, (B)/in Reims in eastern France. The document stipulated (C)/ that hostilities had to cease tomorrow. (D)/ No Error (E)

d) They will use a similar (A)/physiological test, in addition to (B)/issuing two kinds of surveys, to 
triple-check that their (C)/ participants truly have musical anhedonia. (D)/ No Error (E)

e) We would have enjoyed the (A)/ journey more if the old man in (B)/the adjacent compartment (C)/ would 
not have snorted all the time. (D)/ No Error (E)

6) Which of the following parts in statement (A) has error?
(a) C (b) B (c) D
(d) A (e) No Error

7) Which of the following parts in statement (B) has 
(a) B (b) C (c) D
(d) A (e) No Error

8) Which of the following parts in statement (C) has 
(a) C (b) A (c) B
(d) D (e) No Error

9) Which of the following parts in statement (D) has 
(a) A (b) C (c) D
(d) B (e) No Error

10) Which of the following parts in statement (E) has 

(a) B (b) D (c) A
(d) C (e) No Error

💯Click here for the compilation of frequently asked VOCABS in bank exam 


💯Click here for the compilation of ERROR DETECTION QUESTIONS asked in IBPS, SBI exams

1) e
We have to choose one option among the given options that fits both the blanks appropriately. 
Elimination method  - as we can see that we need an adjective(to qualify the noun 'family) to fit in the blank A,so we can easily eliminate options b ,c,d.
Affluence- noun, which means the state of being affluent/rich.
Forth - adverb,which means forward in time ,place etc.
Admire - verb,which means to regard with delight.

Now,between options a and e , option e ,that is,privileged which is an adjective meaning 'having special privileges 'fits in both of the blanks appropriately and grammatically.

2) d

Again ,go with elimination method.
persistence - noun,the property of being persistent 
daring  - Adjective, adventurous, courageous 
 boring - Adjective, dull
honourable  - Adjective, respectable 

Hence,honourable is the word that fits in both the blanks contextually and grammatically. 

Here, only in sentences (A) & (B), both the words fit in to form a contextually and grammatically correct statement. Hence, option (a) is the most suitable answer choice. 
Study: a detailed investigation and analysis of a subject or situation.
Ponder: think about (something) carefully, 
especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion. 

4) e
Here, both the words fit in all the three statements to make the sentences grammatically and contextually correct. Hence, option (e) is the most 
suitable answer choice. 
Anomaly: “something that deviates from what is 
standard, normal, or expected.”
Departure: “a deviation from an accepted, 
prescribed, or usual course of action”/ “the action of leaving, especially to start a journey

5) Here, only in sentences (A) & (B), both the words fit in to form a contextually and grammatically correct statement. Hence, option (a) is the most suitable answer choice.

Accolade: “an award or privilege granted as a 
special honour or as an acknowledgement of 
merit.”/ “a touch on a person's shoulders with a 
sword at the bestowing of a knighthood”
Recognition: “identification of someone or 
something or person from previous encounters or 
knowledge”/ “acknowledgement of the existence, 
validity, or legality of something”/ “appreciation 
or acclaim for an achievement, service, or ability”

 Here, the error lies in part (C) of the statement, where “dare call” will be replaced with “dares to call”. Here, ‘dare’ has been used as main verb and will therefore qualify the singular noun, which is ‘no one’. ‘Dare’ will then be followed by ‘to+v1’. But when ‘dare’ and ‘need’ are used as modal auxiliary, then we do not add ‘-s’ to make it singular. Then we direct use ‘to’ after them. Hence, option (a) is the most suitable answer choice. 

7) d 
Here, “his” will be replaced with “him” because verbs like “heard, watch, behold, see, let, make, bid” will be followed by objective case pronouns and in case we use infinitive then it is used 
without “to” (bare infinitive). Hence, option (d) is the most suitable answer choice. 

8) d
Here, the error lies in the last part of the statement where “tomorrow” will be changed to “the next day” because in indirect narration, ‘tomorrow’ is 
changes to ‘on the tomorrow’ or ‘the next day’. Hence, option (d) is the most suitable answer choice. 

9) The given statement is grammatically correct and does not require any changes. Hence, option (e) is the most suitable answer choice. 

10) Here, the error lies in part (D) of the statement where “would not” will be replaced by “had not” because in cases of situations denoting unfulfilled 
wishes/ desires of past, in conditional clause, we use ‘if+subject+had+v3’ or ‘had+subject+v3’. Hence, option (b) is the most suitable answer choice.

English Practice set 3(Error detection,Cloze test, phrase replacement, fillers, Para jumbles)(New pattern) (with detailed solution) for SBI CLERK MAINS 2020 English Practice set 3(Error detection,Cloze test, phrase replacement, fillers, Para jumbles)(New pattern)  (with detailed solution)  for SBI CLERK MAINS 2020   Reviewed by Admin on March 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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Note  :- The cloze/Closet tests available on EnglishKendra, have been prepared from  recent articles of newspapers(The Hindu, The Indian...

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