Part 7 of the compilation of most important VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) for BANKING (SBI IBPS, RBI) exams - PREPARE ENGLISH FOR SSC BANK AND OTHER EXAMS:ENGLISHKENDRA

💠Part 7 of the compilation of most important  VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence)  for BANKING (SBI  IBPS, RBI) exams

⚫Quip (n)

Meaning-  a clever remark

Quip   Synonyms  -  wisecrack, gag, jest, witticism

Quip   Antonyms  -  misunderstanding,  advise,  misinterpretation

🔹Use quip in a sentence 

Example- Sonali is quite intelligent and is in the habit of making quips. 

⚫Quisling (n)

Meaning-  traitor

Quisling    Synonyms  -  betrayer,  turncoat,  collaborator,  deceiver

 Quisling  Antonyms  -  patriot,  loyalist,  nationalist,  allies

🔹Use quisling in a sentence 

Example-  The Mughals and the English always depended on quislings to defeat their indomitable enemies. 


⚫Quack (n)

Meaning -  untrained doctor

 Quack  Synonyms  -  fraud, fake,  imposter,  cheat

Quack   Antonyms  -  expert, genuine,  real, qualified

🔹Use quack in a sentence 

Example-  A person who dishonestly claims to have knowledge of a Subject is called a quack. 

💯Click here for the compilation of 20 frequently asked error detection rules /GRAMMAR RULES in BANK exams. 

⚫Quasi (n)

Meaning-   to a certain extent, semi

Quasi   Synonyms  -  almost,  supposedly,  nearly,  seemingly

Quasi   Antonyms  -  entire,  total,  whole

🔹Use  quasi in a sentence 

Example-  Indian Constitution is quasi-federal in nature. 

⚫Quandary (n)

Meaning-   in a fix, dilemma

Quandry   Synonyms  -  predicament,  difficulty,  tough spot,  trouble

Quandry   Antonyms  -  certainty,  assurance,  certitude,  conceive

🔹Use  quandary in a sentence 

Example-  Most of the students are in a quandary about their future plans after they have completed their education. 

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⚫Quell (n)

Meaning-   suppress,  crush

Quell    Synonyms  -  subdue,  overcome,  calm, quash

Quell   Antonyms  -  provoke,  encourage,  agitate,  aggravate

🔹Use quell in a sentence 

Example-  India must deal with the militants with an iron hand to quell multi-national activities. 

⚫Quintessence (n)

Meaning-   perfect example,  paragon

 Quintessence  Synonyms  -  epitome,  ideal, exemplar,  pith

Quintessence    Antonyms  -  exteriority,  surface,  outside,  counterexample

🔹Use  quintessence in a sentence 

Example-  Everybody admires her because she is the quintessence of benevolence. 

⚫Quarantine (adj)

Meaning- period of separation

Quarantine    Synonyms  -  isolate,  separate,  segregate,  detach

Quarantine    Antonyms  -  independence,  freedom,  comradery

🔹Use quarantine in a sentence 

Example-  Sneha was admitted to quarantine ward to avoid the danger of spreading of viral fever in the hospital. 

⚫Quash (v)

Meaning-   set aside,  strike down

 Quash  Synonyms  -  suppress,  cancel,  destroy,  abolish

Quash    Antonyms  -  establish,  validate,  create,  make

🔹Use quash in a sentence 

Example-  The High Court quashed the verdict of the lower court. 

⚫Quench (v)

Meaning-   satisfy

Quench   Synonyms  -  extinguish, satiate,  blow out, suffocate

Quench   Antonyms  -  ignite,  fire, kindle,  instigate

🔹Use quench in a sentence 

Example-  She needed water urgently to quench her thirst when she returned from college. 

⚫Queer( adj  )

Meaning-   strange

Queer    Synonyms  -  odd, peculiar,  weird,  unusual

 Queer   Antonyms  -  normal, usual,  ordinary,  regular

🔹Use  queer in a sentence 

Example-  As Seema has a queer way of talking,  everybody makes fun of her.

⚫Qualms (n)

Meaning-   feeling of doubt (right or wrong)

Qualms    Synonyms  -  fear,  hesitation,  doubts,  distress

 Qualms   Antonyms  -  approvals,  certainties,  willingness,  disposition

🔹Use qualms in a sentence 

Example-  The hardened criminals are the last to feel qualms while committing cruel deeds. 

⚫Quietude (n)

Meaning-   peace

Quietude   Synonyms  -  calm, serenity,  tranquillity,  stillness

 Quietude  Antonyms  -  rage, fear, commotion,  noise

🔹Use quietude in a sentence 

Example-  Once the heaven of quietude Kashmir Valley is now a place of haunted by terrorism. 

⚫Quirk (n)

Meaning-   a strange act

Quirk    Synonyms  -  oddity,  fancy,  peculiarity,  weirdness

  Quirk Antonyms  -  ordinary,  normality

🔹Use quirk in a sentence 

Example-  One can call his misfortune just a quirk of fate.

⚫Quixotic (adj)

Meaning-   impractical 

Synonyms  -  visionary,  impractical,  fanciful,  idealistic

Antonyms  -  practical,  pragmatic,  clear, common

🔹Use quixotic in a sentence 

Example-  Ramesh has not been successful in life because of his quixotic ideas.

⚫Reprieve (n)

Meaning-   temporary stay

 Reprieve  Synonyms  -  release,  amnesty,  suspension,  remission

Reprieve   Antonyms  -  punish, blame,  charge,  penalty

🔸Use r
eprieve in a sentence 

Example-  The lawyers got him reprieved when he was granted bail and released from jail. 

💯Click here for the compilation of most important vocabulary /vocabs for SSC (CGL CPO CHSL MTS) exams 

⚫Requisite (n)

Meaning-   necessary requirement

Requisite   Synonyms  -  essential,  needed,  mandatory,  vital

 Requisite  Antonyms  -  optional,  superfluous,  irrelevant,  inessential

🔸Use  requisite in a sentence 

Example-  Hard work and honesty are requisite to success in life.

💯Click here for the compilation of most important vocabulary /vocabs for bank(IBPS  SBI, RBI) exams

⚫Rampart (n)

Meaning-   defensive wall

Rampart    Synonyms  -  barrier,  defense, fence, security

Rampart   Antonyms  -  hazard,  risk, unfold,  depression

🔸Use rampart in a sentence 

Example-  The Prime Minister declared from the ramparts of the Red Fort that sovereignty of India is inviolable. 


⚫Reciprocate (v)

Meaning-   repay in kind

 Reciprocate   Synonyms  -  return,  retaliate,  exchange,  alternate

Reciprocate    Antonyms  -  deny, refuse,  disagree,  ignore

🔸Use reciprocate in a sentence 

Example-  It is our duty to reciprocate the love and regards of our children. 



⚫Rendezvous (n)

Meaning-   meeting place

  Rendezvous  Synonyms  -  appointment,  dating,  gathering,  engagement

Rendezvous    Antonyms  -  separate,  disperse, distribute,  spread

🔸Use rendezvous in a sentence 

Example-  Once Coffee House in Connaught Place was a famous rendezvous for the writers and journalists. 

⚫Realm  (n)

Meaning-   kingdom

 Realm   Synonyms  -  empire,  province,  territory,  domain

Realm    Antonyms  -  democracy,  federation,  cosmopolitan,  estate

🔸Use realm in a sentence 

Example-  In recent years,  India has made tremendous progress in the realm of nuclear weapons. 

⚫Refurbish (v)

Meaning-  make clean

Refurbish    Synonyms  -  renovate,  repair,  restore,  refresh

Refurbish    Antonyms  -  destroy,  ruin,  deteriorate, interrupt

🔸Use  refurbish in a sentence 

Example-  A person can refurbish his image by leading life dedicated to his vocation. 

⚫Robust ( adj  )

Meaning-   vigorous,  strong

Robust    Synonyms  -  powerful,  hard, persistent,  durable

Robust    Antonyms  -  weak,  delicate,  refined,  fragile

🔸Use  robust in a sentence 

Example-  Only robust players can withstand  the stress and strain of sports in modern times. 

⚫Renounce (v)

Meaning-  abandon,  give up

 Renounce   Synonyms  -  relinquish,  quit, resign, reject

Renounce    Antonyms  -  accept,  adopt,  embrace,  allow

🔸Use  renounce in a sentence 

Example- Lord Buddha renounced  material life in search of freedom from sufferings of life. 

⚫Rudimentary ( adj  )

Meaning-   not developed,  elementary

Rudimentary    Synonyms  -  undeveloped,  primitive,  imperfect,  immature

Rudimentary    Antonyms  -  advanced,  complex,  perfect,  additional

🔸Use  rudimentary in a sentence 

Example-  If one wishes to learn the art of conversation,  one must be aware of the  rudimentary rules of grammar. 

⚫Remonstrate (v)

Meaning-   protest

  Remonstrate  Synonyms  -  disapprove,  reprimand,  dispute,  complain

Remonstrate    Antonyms  -  concede, confess,  credit,  empower

🔸Use remonstrate in a sentence 

Example-  The players remonstrated with the umpire about the run-out decision. 

⚫Repudiate (v)

Meaning-   disown

 Repudiate   Synonyms  -  deny,  reject,  discard,  abandon

Repudiate    Antonyms  -  accept,  confess,  confirm,  approve

🔸Use repudiate in a sentence 

Example-  The Finance Minister repudiated his remarks by saying that he was quoted out of context. 

⚫Rapprochement (n)

Meaning-   reconciliation

Rapprochement   Synonyms  -  approach,  settlement,  agreement,  reunion

 Rapprochement    Antonyms  -  disagreement,  trouble,  upset,  animosity

🔸Use rapprochement in a sentence 

Example-  There is hardly any possibility of rapprochement between India and China as long as boundary dispute between them exists. 

⚫Recrimination (n)

Meaning-   counter charges

Recrimination    Synonyms  -  accusation,  blame,  tit for tat, disapproval

 Recrimination   Antonyms  -  absolution,  pep talk, buttering up

🔸Use  recrimination in a sentence 

Example-  When her husband advised her not to neglect her domestic obligations,  there were offensive recriminations from her. 

⚫Repercussion (n)

Meaning-   reaction

Repercussion    Synonyms  -  effect,  impact,  consequence,  outcome

Repercussion    Antonyms  -  source,  cause,  reason,  no results

🔸Use repercussion in a sentence 

Example-  Every Indian is afraid that Kashmir problem will have serious repercussions both on Indian polity and economy.

⚫Relinquish (v)

Meaning-   abandon

 Relinquish    Synonyms  -  give up,  surrender,  quit,  Renounce

 Relinquish    Antonyms  -  keep,  retain,  adopt,  accept

🔸Use relinquish in a sentence 

Example-  Neither of the two brothers is ready to relinquish his claims to the paternal property. 

⚫Retrograde (v)

Meaning-   going backward

Retrograde    Synonyms  -  fall back,  retreat,  retrogress, recede

 Retrograde   Antonyms  -  progress,  advance,  forward, improve

🔸Use retrograde in a sentence 

Example-  Although we claim to have progressed in every field,  in fact we have retrograded in upholding human values. 

⚫Retrospective ( adj  )

Meaning-  looking back on the past (from past effect)

Retrospective    Synonyms  -  thoughtful,  exhibition,  retro,  subsequent

Retrospective    Antonyms  -  prospective,  future,  forward-looking,  bright

🔸Use  retrospective in a sentence 

Example-  When Shalu is in retrospective mood,  she speaks high of halcyon days of her youth.

You will get bonus with retrospective effect. 

⚫Retaliate (v)

Meaning-   hit back

 Retaliate   Synonyms  -  revenge,  repay, retaliation,  fight back

Retaliate    Antonyms  -  forgive,  pardon,  sincere,  excuse

🔸Use retaliate in a sentence 

Example-  The Defence Minister warned that India would retaliate,  if attacked. 

⚫Retinue (n)

Meaning-   number of attendants

Retinue    Synonyms  -  cortege, train,  band ,  company

 Retinue   Antonyms  -  self,  single,  individual

🔸Use  retinue in a sentence 

Example-  The  Prime Minister arrived in the town with a  retinue of officials. 

⚫Ramification (n)

Meaning-   far reaching effect

Ramification    Synonyms  -  consequence,  effect,  divergence,  result

  Ramification  Antonyms  -  reason,  aggregate,  unity, cause

🔸Use ramification in a sentence 

Example-  The interference of the President in the affairs of Central Government  is fraught with dire ramifications. 

⚫Relegate (v)

Meaning-   put to lower position

Relegate    Synonyms  -  demote, consign, deport,  dismiss

   Relegate  Antonyms  -  promote, upgrade,  advance, raise

🔸Use relegate in a sentence 

Example-  After the defeat of Indian Cricket team in the semifinals in the World Cup,  it has been relegated to seventh position in ranking. 

⚫Recant (v)

Meaning-   Repudiate

 Recant   Synonyms  -  revoke,  abjure, retract,  withdraw

  Recant    Antonyms  -  declare,  emphasize,  confirm,  affirm

🔸Use recant in a sentence 

Example-  Inspite of the advice of the party high command he did not recant his observation about the leader of the party. 

⚫Restive (adj)- 

Meaning-  restless,  unmanageable

  Restive  Synonyms  -  impatient,  nervous,  tense,  obstinate

Restive    Antonyms  -  calm, relaxed,  obedient,  amenable

🔸Use restive in a sentence 

Example-  The labourers working in this factory are restive on account of non-payment of bonus this year. 


Meaning-   rush in sudden violent behaviour

Rampage    Synonyms  -  rage, uproar,  riot, fury

Rampage    Antonyms  -  harmony,  calm, restrain, lawfulness

🔸Use rampage in a sentence 

Example-  The demonstrators went on the rampage when the  SP  refused to listen to their grievances. 

⚫Rapt ( adj  )

Meaning-   fully attentive

Rapt   Synonyms  -  immersed,  absorbed,  engaged,  lost

Rapt    Antonyms  -  inattentive,  bored,  disinterested,  dejected

🔸Use rapt in a sentence 

Example-  The  speech of the Prime Minister was listened to with rapt attention by the audience. 

⚫Renegade (n)

Meaning-   turn coat in politics,  religion

  Renegade  Synonyms  -  rebel,  apostate,  deserter,  traitor

  Renegade  Antonyms  -  loyalist,  patriot,  obedient,  follower

🔸Use renegade in a sentence 

Example-  In spite of anti-defection law renegades in Indian politics are having a field day.

⚫Reprisal (n)

Meaning-   retaliation

Reprisal    Synonyms  -  revenge,  vengeance,  retaliate,  retort

Reprisal    Antonyms  -  pardon,  sympathy,  mercy,  kindness

🔸Use reprisal in a sentence 

Example-  Inspite of provocative policy of militancy pursued by Pakistan,  India has done nothing by way of reprisal. 

⚫Rancour (n)

Meaning-   bitterness

Rancour    Synonyms  -  spite,  malevolence,  hatred,  animosity

Rancour    Antonyms  -  benevolence,  charity,  amity,  affection

🔸Use rancour in a sentence 

Example-  Though they had planned to marry,  now there is feeling of rancour between them. 

⚫Ravage (n)

Meaning-   plunder,  destroy

Ravage Synonyms  -  devastate,  ruin,  demolish,  damage

 Ravage Antonyms  -  protect,  assist,  improve,  construct

🔸Use ravage in a sentence 

Example-  The flood this year have ravaged the crops severely. 

⚫Render (v)

Meaning-   deliver,  give

Render    Synonyms  -  provide,  interpret,  furnish,  submit

 Render   Antonyms  -  beg, remove,  distort,  conceal

🔸Use render in a sentence 

Example-  Sohan is always prepared to render help to the needy.

⚫Repartee (n)

Meaning-   clever retort

 Repartee   Synonyms  -  banter,  badinage,  wit, response

 Repartee   Antonyms  -  argument,  disagreement,  fight

🔸Use repartee in a sentence 

Example-  The discussion in the Parliament on the reservation issue was replete with repartees.

⚫Reiterate (v)

Meaning-   repeat

 Reiterate   Synonyms  -  renew, again,  recapitulate, rehearse

 Reiterate   Antonyms  -  elapse,  expose,  secrete,  refute

🔸Use reiterate in a sentence 

Example-  The Principal has reiterated that those students who are irregular will not be allowed to take examination.

⚫Rusticate (v)

Meaning-   expel

 Rusticate  Synonyms  -  banish,  retire,  deport,  leave

Rusticate   Antonyms  -  chummy

🔸Use rusticate in a sentence 

Example-  Ramesh was caught copying in the examination hall and was rusticated from the university for two years. 

⚫Replenish  (v)

Meaning-   fill up again

Replenish    Synonyms  -  refill, supply,  reconstruct,  restock

 Replenish   Antonyms  -  drain, waste,  empty,  eradicate

🔸Use replenish in a sentence 

Example-  When the food ran out,  it was replenished by the rescue team promptly. 

⚫Replete (adj)

Meaning-   filled to capacity

 Replete  Synonyms  -  abundant,  lavish,  overflowing,  loaded

 Replete   Antonyms  -  empty,  greedy,  barren,  starving

🔸Use replete in a sentence 

Example-  There is no peace in the family though the home is replete with every modern comfort. 

⚫Redundant ( adj  )

Meaning-   superfluous,  surplus

 Redundant  Synonyms  -  unnecessary,  excess, overflowing,  gratuitous

 Redundant   Antonyms  -  essential,  meager,  niggardly, necessary

🔸Use redundant in a sentence 

Example-  The use of computers in the government offices has made thousands of workers redundant. 

⚫Renunciation (n)

Meaning-   giving up, renouncing

 Renunciation   Synonyms  -  resignation,  rejection,  surrender,  denial

 Renunciation   Antonyms  -  approval,  assertion,  confession,  legacy

🔸Use renunciation in a sentence 

Example-  Life of renunciation contributes to both moral and physical health. 

⚫Ruse (n)

Meaning-   trick, strategy

 Ruse   Synonyms  -  artifice,  deception,  plot,  scheme

Ruse    Antonyms  -  loyalty,  kindness,  truth,  integrity

🔸Use ruse in a sentence 

Example-  Heavy shelling by Pakistan Army was a ruse to help the militants enter Indian territory. 

⚫Rampant ( adj  )

Meaning-   unrestrained,  growth beyond control

 Rampant  Synonyms  -  wild,  violent,  furious,  epidemic

 Rampant   Antonyms  -  controlled,  limited,  calm, minor

🔸Use rampant in a sentence 

Example-  Corruption is rampant in every section of Indian society. 

⚫Rife ( adj  )

Meaning-   widespread,  current

 Rife   Synonyms  -  common,  plentiful,  replete,  prevalent

 Rife  Antonyms  -  scarce,  deficient,  bare,  barren

🔸Use rife in a sentence 

Example-  The city is rife with rumours of communal riots. 

⚫Retrieve (v)

Meaning-   recover,  bring back

 Retrieve   Synonyms  -  regain,  restore,  obtain,  return

 Retrieve   Antonyms  -  lose, misplace,  relinquish,  resign

🔸Use retrieve in a sentence 

Example-  The government is trying to retrieve economy from recession. 

⚫Redoubtable ( adj  )

Meaning-   formidable

 Redoubtable  Synonyms  -  dreadful,  terrible,  appalling,  ghastly

 Redoubtable   Antonyms  -  sad, pathetic,  cheap,  disreputable

🔸Use  redoubtable in a sentence 

Example-   India needs redoubtable politicians to build India strong. 

⚫Reticence (n)

Meaning-   reserve, talking little

Reticence    Synonyms  -  humbleness,  silence,  hesitance,  taciturnity

 Reticence   Antonyms  -  alacrity,  boldness,  arrogance,  candidness

🔸Use reticence in a sentence 

Example-  Her reticence makes her look mysterious. 

Part 7 of the compilation of most important VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) for BANKING (SBI IBPS, RBI) exams Part 7 of the compilation of most important  VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence)  for BANKING (SBI  IBPS, RBI) exams Reviewed by Admin on December 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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Note  :- The cloze/Closet tests available on EnglishKendra, have been prepared from  recent articles of newspapers(The Hindu, The Indian...

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