Part 3 of the compilation of most important VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) for SSC CGL CPO CHSL exams - PREPARE ENGLISH FOR SSC BANK AND OTHER EXAMS:ENGLISHKENDRA

🔘As we all know how important role "vocabs"  play when it comes to SSC exams. But memorizing and retaining them in our mind is still a challenge.To fix this, has come up with an idea of providing relatable andþ awesome examples that will stick to your mind as soon as you read it."EnglishKendra team"  is dedicated to provide you "the best study materials for English" for SSC, BANKING exams, prepared by the experts. Do check out other posts as well.  

💯Click here for the compilation of VOCABS asked in BANK EXAMS 

💠Part 3 of the compilation of most important  VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence)  for SSC CGL CPO CHSL  exams

⚫Flagrant  (adj)

Meaning-   glaring,  openly wicked

घोर,  ज्वलंत अवहेलना,  खुलेआम 

 Flagrant   Synonyms -  blatant, atrocious,  outrageous,  gross 

 Flagrant   Antonyms -   concealed,  shameful,  hidden 

🔹Use flagrant in a sentence

Example-  It is not easy to pardon such flagrant violation of the decorum of the House.

⚫Fickle (adj)

Meaning-   changeable,  faithless

चंचल,  अस्थिर 

Fickle  Synonyms -  inconstant,  Capricious,  volatile,  changeable 

 Fickle   Antonyms -   constant,  stable,  loyal 

🔹Use fickle in a sentence

Example-  Fickle minded persons cannot be relied upon. 

⚫Filial ( adj)

Meaning-   of son or daughter

बेटा (बेटी) संबंधी 

 Filial  Synonyms -  daughterly, affectionate,  obedient,  dutiful 

 Filial  Antonyms -   parental,  maternal,  agnate, enate

🔹Use filial in a sentence

Example-  Children must fulfil their filial duties towards their parents. 

⚫Fray (n)

Meaning-   brawl,  contest


 Fray  Synonyms -  fight, fracas, battle,  conflict 

 Fray  Antonyms -   agreement,  calm, humor,  harmony 

🔹Use fray in a sentence

Example-  The  miscreants involved in the fray were arrested by the police. 

⚫Facile (adj)

Meaning-   easy,  expert

आसान,  सहज

Facile   Synonyms -  simple,  smooth,  effortless,  fluent 

Facile   Antonyms -   laborious,  stressful,  profound,  harsh

🔹Use facile in a sentence

Example-  India could achieve facile victory in the match yesterday. 

⚫Fallible (adj)

Meaning-   liable to err

पतनशील, दोषपूर्ण 

 Fallible  Synonyms -  unreliable,  uncertain,  faulty,  imperfect 

 Fallible  Antonyms -   perfect,  reliable,  certain,  infallible 

🔹Use fallible in a sentence

Example-  Man is  fallible. 

⚫Fervent (adj)

Meaning-   ardent,   warm

उत्सुकता भरी 

Fervent   Synonyms -  passionate,  fervid,  eager,  zealous 

  Fervent Antonyms -   indifferent,  apathetic,  cold, stoic 

🔹Use fervent in a sentence

Example-  My friend was accorded fervent welcome on his arrival. 

⚫Fete (n)

Meaning-   outdoor entertainment,  carnival
उत्सव, त्यौहार 

 Fete  Synonyms -  party,  feast, celebrate,  fiesta 

 Fete   Antonyms -   humiliate,  debase,  degrade,  chasten

🔹Use fete in a sentence

Example-  A charity fete was held in  our college yesterday. 

⚫Foolhardy (adj)

Meaning-   rash, reckless


Foolhardy   Synonyms -  imprudent,  bold, wild,  daredevil 

 Foolhardy   Antonyms -   cautious,  cowardly,  careful,  timid 

🔹Use foolhardy in a sentence

Example-  Many believe that trying for impossible things is foolhardy attempt. 

⚫Fiat ( n)

Meaning-   command
आदेश,  आधिकारिक आज्ञा 

 Fiat  Synonyms -  decree, edict, order,  authorization 

 Fiat  Antonyms -   veto, quarrel,  validate

🔹Use fiat in a sentence

Example-  The Court issued a fiat to both the parties to maintain status quo.

⚫Fitful (adj)

Meaning-   spasmodic,  intermittent

अनियमित,  व्याकुल 

  Fitful Synonyms -  erratic, Capricious,  irregular,  fickle 

 Fitful  Antonyms -   regular,  constant,  continuous 

🔹Use fitful in a sentence

Example-  You are not going to achieve anything by pursuing fitful study. 

⚫Fraught (adj)

Meaning-   filled, threatening

भरा, व्याकुल, परिपूर्ण 

Fraught   Synonyms -  charged, anxious,  heavy, laden

Fraught   Antonyms -   empty, devoid,  bare 

🔹Use fraught in a sentence

Example-  Security problem on our borders is fraught with danger. 

⚫Fortitude (n)

Meaning-   bravery,  courage

धैर्य,  छाती

  Fortitude  Synonyms -  mettle,  determination,  grit, strength 

Fortitude    Antonyms -   cowardice,  laziness,  timidity,  foible 

🔹Use fortitude in a sentence

Example-  One must face the problems of life with fortitude. 

⚫Ferment (n)

Meaning-   agitation,  commotion

उत्तेजना, खमीरण 

 Ferment  Synonyms -  disturbance,  commotion,  flurry, stir

 Ferment Antonyms -   calm, cool, ease, quiet 

🔹Use ferment in a sentence

Example-  During  Quit India  Movement,  the whole nation was in ferment. 

⚫Foible (adj)

Meaning-   weakness


Foible   Synonyms -  fault,  defect,  imperfection,  oddity 

  Foible Antonyms -   strength,  excellence,  capability 

🔹Use foible in a sentence
Example-  Man is subject to foibles and frailties in life. 

⚫Flaunt (v)

Meaning-   display ostentatiously

दिखावा,  घमंड से दिखाना 

 Flaunt  Synonyms -  parade, show off, exhibit,  boast 

Flaunt   Antonyms -   hide, conceal,  cover, secret 

🔹Use flaunt in a sentence

Example-  The rich are in the habit of flaunting their material achievements. 

⚫Flout (v)

Meaning-   reject,  mock

अवहेलना, अवज्ञा करना 

Flout Synonyms -  defy, disregard,  scorn,  taunt

 Flout  Antonyms -   obey,  ress, honor,  accord

🔹Use flout in a sentence

Example-  No good citizen will flout the rules of the road. 

⚫Foment (v)

Meaning-   stir up, instigate

उत्तेजित करना,  उकसाना 

 Foment  Synonyms -  incite,  provoke,  inflame,  stimulate 

 Foment  Antonyms -   soothe,  quiet,  suppress 

🔹Use foment in a sentence

Example-  The decision of the Government is likely to foment disagreement among the opposition parties. 

⚫Furtive (adj)

Meaning-   secret,  stealthy

रहस्यमय,  गुप्त 

 Furtive  Synonyms -  underhand,  surreptitious,  Clandestine,  insidious 

   Furtive Antonyms -   open, honest,  unconcealed,  truthful 

🔹Use furtive in a sentence

Example-  Sandhya  entered the room with furtive steps to avoid the attention of the teacher. 

⚫Frantic ( adj)

Meaning-   excited,  wildly


 Frantic  Synonyms -  delirious,  furious,  berserk,  violent 

 Frantic  Antonyms -   calm, peaceful,  tranquil,  docile 

🔹Use frantic in a sentence

Example-  Frantic efforts are going on on the eve of the visit of the Prime Minister. 


Meaning-   intensely cold

भावरहित,  बहुत ठंडा 

  Frigid Synonyms -  icy, chilly, frosty,  freezing 

  Frigid Antonyms -   hot, warm,  flirty,  passionate 

🔹Use frigid in a sentence

Example- One must not be frigid in one's attitude towards his near and dear ones. 

⚫Flair (n)

Meaning-   talent

जन्मजात प्रवृत्ति 

  Flair  Synonyms -  gift, genius,  ability,  aptitude 

Flair   Antonyms -   silliness,  stupidity,  clumsiness   inability 

🔹Use flair in a sentence

Example-  Our Prime Minister has flair for glib talk. 

⚫Fracas (n)

Meaning-    noisy quarrel

उपद्रव,  दंगा फसाद 

 Fracas  Synonyms -  brawl,  affray,  ruckus, dispute 

Fracas   Antonyms -   peace,  conformity,  compromise,  Concord 

🔹Use fracas in a sentence

Example-  The mob gathered in the street when there was fracas between the two neighbours. 

⚫Freak (adj)

Meaning-   unusual,  abnormal

असामान्य व्यक्ति 

 Freak  Synonyms -  crazy,  psycho,  insane,  maniac

Freak   Antonyms -   regular,  normal,  typical 

🔹Use freak in a sentence

Example-  It is just an example of his freak behaviour because he normally doesn't behave in this manner. 

⚫Fecundity (n)

Meaning-   Fruitfulness

उपजाऊपन, उर्वरता 

Fecundity   Synonyms -  fertility,  productivity,  abundance,  richness 

 Fecundity  Antonyms -   infertility,  sterility,  drought,  emptiness 

🔹Use fecundity in a sentence

Example-  The fecundity of a poet's imagination makes a poem an exquisite work of art. 

⚫Foray (n)

Meaning-   raid

छापा मारना,  आक्रमण करना

 Foray  Synonyms -  attack,  invasion,  assault,  loot

 Foray  Antonyms -   idleness,  relax, defend 

🔹Use foray in a sentence

Example-  The foray against the enemy outpost met with an unexpected success. 

⚫Gracious (adj)

Meaning-   kind,  generous

दयालु   à¤†à¤°ामदेह 

Gracious Synonyms -  friendly,  genial,  amiable,  affable 

 Gracious Antonyms -   unkind,  sarcastic,  vulgar 

🔹Use gracious in a sentence

Example- God is gracious. 

⚫Grouse (n)

Meaning-   complaint

छोटी छोटी बातों की शिकायत करना 

 Grouse Synonyms -  gripe,  kick, protest, beef

  Grouse Antonyms -   enjoy,  kudos,  honor, acclaim 

🔹Use grouse in a sentence

Example-  I have no grouse against anyone for the misfortune of life. 

⚫Glut (n)

Meaning-   overstock

भरमार,  बहुतायत 

Glut   Synonyms -  surplus,  excess, overload,  flood 

  Glut  Antonyms -   lack, dearth,  starve,  absence 

🔹Use glut in a sentence

Example-  As there is economic recession,  there is a glut of luxury goods in the market. 

⚫Glib (adj)

Meaning-   fluent

धाराप्रवाह,  बातूनी 

  Glib Synonyms -  smooth,  facile,  loquacious,  eloquent 

  Glib Antonyms -   hesitant,  taciturn,  speechless,  mum

🔹Use glib in a sentence

Example-  Those who have command of language are glib talkers. 

⚫Gimmick (n)

Meaning-   trick

तिकरम, दिखावा 

 Gimmick  Synonyms -  device,  gadget,  artifice,  apparatus 

  Gimmick   Antonyms -   reality,  truth,  frankness

🔹Use gimmick in a sentence

Example-  The reservation policy is just a political gimmick. 

⚫Gaol (n)

Meaning-   jail


Gaol Synonyms -  prison,  custody,  slammer ,  arrest 

Gaol   Antonyms -   free, scuttle, flash 

🔹Use gaol in a sentence

Example-  Ramu is a hardened criminal and has often been to gaol.

⚫Grumble (v)

Meaning-   complain, protest

शिकायत करना,  भुनभुनाना,  गरजना 

  Grumble Synonyms -  murmur, gripe,  scold, protest 

Grumble  Antonyms -   applause,  praise, compliment 

🔹Use grumble in a sentence

Example-  We should not grumble when we are required to comply with the orders of our employers. 

⚫Gusto (n)

Meaning-   enjoyment,  enthusiasm

आनंद,  जोश

Gusto   Synonyms -  zest, zeal, pleasure,  eagerness 

Gusto    Antonyms -   apathy,  dislike,  hatred,  doldrums 

🔹Use gusto in a sentence

Example-  The Independence Day was celebrated in our college by gusto. 

⚫Gainsay (v)

Meaning-   deny

ईन्कार  करना 

Gainsay   Synonyms -  contradict,  oppose, dispute,  disprove 

  Gainsay Antonyms -   agree,  admit,  allow,  concur 

🔹Use gainsay in a sentence

Example-  Nobody can gainsay the truth of my statement. 

⚫Gregarious (adj)

Meaning-   flocking together,  sociable


Gregarious   Synonyms -  genial,  friendly,  amiable,  hospitable 

  Gregarious Antonyms -   distant,  antisocial ,  lonely,  reclusive 

🔹Use gregarious in a sentence

Example-  The lion is not gregarious animal. 

⚫Garish (adj)

Meaning-   gaudy


Garish    Synonyms -  flashy,  tawdry, showy ,  glaring 

Garish   Antonyms -   classy, plain,  dull, normal 

🔹Use garish in a sentence

Example-  Sonali wears garish clothes which don't suit her.

⚫Gait (n)

Meaning-   manner of walking


Gait   Synonyms -  movement,  motion,  step, stride 

 Gait   Antonyms -   motionless,  not moving,  remain 

🔹Use gait in a sentence

Example-  Her gait is graceful. 

⚫Gruesome (adj)

Meaning-   frightful,  heinous,  grisly

कुरूप,  भयानक 

Gruesome   Synonyms -  ghastly ,  horrid, scary, appalling 

Gruesome   Antonyms -   attractive,  delightful,  pleasing,  cute

🔹Use gruesome in a sentence

Example-  The children cried when they saw the gruesome appearance of a killer. 

⚫Goad (v)

Meaning-   urge on

उकसाना,  प्रेरित करना

Goad   Synonyms -  provoke ,  urge, incite ,  stimulate 

Goad   Antonyms -   restraint,  deterrent ,  diversion 

🔹Use goad in a sentence

Example-  He was goaded by the classmates to make fun of the teacher. 

⚫Grasp (v)

Meaning-   understand , seize

पाने का प्रयास करना,  कसकर पकड़ना 

 Grasp  Synonyms -  grip, take, capture ,  snatch

Grasp   Antonyms -   release,  ignorance ,  sacrifice,  overlook 

🔹Use grasp in a sentence

Example-  I think you have grasped the  meaning of my statement. 

⚫Grimace (n)

Meaning-   expression of pain

मुख विरूपता,  मुँह बनाना 

Grimace   Synonyms -  frown,  glare,  sneer,  smirk

  Grimace  Antonyms -   smile,  laugh,  grin

🔹Use grimace in a sentence

Example-  When hit on the head,  he cried with grimace on his face. 

⚫Gratis (adv)

Meaning-   free


  Gratis Synonyms -  complementary, gratuitous,  without charge,  toll-free 

  Gratis Antonyms -   expensive,  costly,  high in price,   over the odds 

🔹Use gratis in a sentence

Example-  The company offered one silver coin gratis to a customer who bought two dozen of soap cakes. 

Most Important vocabs for SSC CGL 2019 exam

Part 3 of the compilation of most important VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) for SSC CGL CPO CHSL exams Part 3 of the compilation of most important  VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence)  for SSC CGL CPO CHSL exams Reviewed by Admin on December 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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