Part 6 of the compilation of most important VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) for BANKING (SBI IBPS, RBI) exams - PREPARE ENGLISH FOR SSC BANK AND OTHER EXAMS:ENGLISHKENDRA

💠Part 6 of the compilation of most important  VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence)  for BANKING (SBI  IBPS, RBI) exams

⚫Noxious ( adj)

Meaning-   harmful, offensive

Noxious   Synonyms -  toxic,  pernicious,  injurious,  detrimental 

Noxious   Antonyms -  healthy,  harmless,  salubrious,  beneficent 

🔹Use noxious in a sentence 

Example-  Emission of noxious gases causes air pollution. 

⚫Nadir (n)

Meaning-   lowest point

Nadir   Synonyms -  bottom,  base, depths,  underneath 

Nadir   Antonyms -  acme,  zenith,  apex, pinnacle 

🔹Use nadir in a sentence 

Example-  Now-a-days,  Raman is  disgusted with life because he is at the nadir of his hopes. 

⚫Nostalgia (n)

Meaning-   home sickness,  longing for the past

Nostalgia   Synonyms -  sentimentality,  recall,  longing,  remembrance 

Nostalgia   Antonyms -  reality,  foresight,  prediction,  prospect 

🔹Use nostalgia in a sentence 

Example-  Soldiers often suffer from nostalgia when they are away from their homes. 

⚫Naive ( adj)

Meaning-   artless

Naive   Synonyms -  innocent,  gullible,  simple,  credulous 

Naive   Antonyms -  shrewd,  critical,  experienced,  smart 

🔹Use naive in a sentence 

Example-  Being naive she believes in all that her friends tell her. 

⚫Novice (n)

Meaning-   beginner,  tyro

Novice  Synonyms -  neophyte,  amateur,  initiate, trainee

Novice   Antonyms -  expert, professional,  influencer, adept 

🔹Use novice in a sentence 

Example-  We should not expect much from Ram because he is a novice in the field of marketing. 

⚫Nonchalant ( adj)

Meaning-   unconcerned

Nonchalant  Synonyms -  indifferent,  casual,  apathetic,  uncaring 

Nonchalant   Antonyms -  anxious,  curious,  prudent,  concerned 

🔹Use nonchalant in a sentence 

Example-  It is disgusting to note that even doctors behave nonchalantly towards the patient. 

⚫Nocturnal ( adj)

Meaning-   of night

Nocturnal   Synonyms -  nighty,  late night,  after dark, overnight 

Nocturnal   Antonyms -  diurnal,  daytime,  sun

🔹Use nocturnal in a sentence 

Example-  On account of disturbance during day time the students in our hostel are accustomed to nocturnal study. 

⚫Nefarious ( adj)

Meaning-   very wicked,  unlawful

  Nefarious  Synonyms -  atrocious,  sinful,  heinous,  outrageous 

 Nefarious  Antonyms -  ethical,  virtuous,  honorable,  creditable 

🔹Use nefarious in a sentence 

Example-  The criminals should be brought to book for their nefarious activities. 

⚫Narcissism (n)

Meaning-   self love and admiration

 Narcissism  Synonyms -  arrogance,  selfishness,  egotism,  vanity 

 Narcissism  Antonyms -  humility,  altruism,  gentleness,  benevolence 

🔹Use narcissism in a sentence 

Example-  Narcissism leads to selfishness in character. 


Meaning-   confuse

Nonplus   Synonyms -  puzzle,  perplex,  astonish,  amaze 

Nonplus   Antonyms -  enlighten,  explain,  comfort,  ease

🔹Use nonplus in a sentence 

Example-  I was nonplussed  when my best friend refused to stand by me in my financial crisis. 

⚫Nascent ( adj)

Meaning-   incipient,  beginning

Nascent   Synonyms -  initial,  aboriginal,  primary,  budding 

Nascent   Antonyms -  belatedly,  dying,  mature,  advanced 

🔹Use nascent in a sentence 

Example-  The rapid growth of this commercial organisation  in its nascent stage is commendable.

⚫Neophyte (n)

Meaning-   beginner,  a  recent convert

Neophyte   Synonyms -  novice,  newcomer,  amateur,  learner 

Neophyte    Antonyms -  expert,  professional,  master,  veteran 

🔹Use neophyte in a sentence 

Example-  Though a neophyte in  politics,  he has tremendous hold over the principles of  state craft. 

⚫Nullify (v)

Meaning-  cancel

Nullify   Synonyms -  revoke,  void, neutralize,  destroy 

Nullify    Antonyms -  validate,  affirm,  confirm,  establish 

🔹Use nullify in a sentence 

Example-  The agreement made by the previous government has been nullified by the new government. 

Overt ( adj)

Meaning-   open

  Overt Synonyms -  obvious,  undisguised,  public,  visible 

Overt   Antonyms -  secret,  covert,  hidden,  private 

🔹Use overt in a sentence 

Example-  The  trampling of national flag is an overt act of treason. 

⚫Obnoxious ( adj)

Meaning-   harmful,  nasty

Obnoxious    Synonyms -  offensive,  disgusting,  unpleasant,  abominable 

Obnoxious   Antonyms -  delicious,  agreeable,  appealing,  desirable 

🔹Use Obnoxious in a sentence 

Example-  She behaved obnoxiously with her daughter-in-law.

⚫Opulence (n)

Meaning-   luxury, wealth

Opulence    Synonyms -  affluence,  prosperity,  richness,  abundance 

 Opulence    Antonyms -  destitution,  poverty,  dearth,  deficiency 

🔹Use Opulence in a sentence 

Example-  The foreign travellers to America admire the opulence of that country. 

⚫Ostensible ( adj)

Meaning-   apparent,  obvious

Ostensible   Synonyms -  illusory,  pretended, seeming,  likely 

 Ostensible  Antonyms -  genuine,  real,  actual,  profound 

🔹Use Ostensible in a sentence 

Example-  The  ostensible purpose of her visit was to borrow money,  though she came to see me. 

⚫Ornate ( adj)

Meaning-  decorated

Ornate   Synonyms -  ornamented, baroque,  elaborate,  garnished 

Ornate   Antonyms -  simple,  bare,  jejune,  plain 

🔹Use Ornate in a sentence 

Example-  Ornate style of his essay appears to be artificial. 

⚫Outskirts (n)

Meaning-   outlying

Outskirts   Synonyms -  edge,  periphery,  perimeter,  border 

 Outskirts  Antonyms -  center,  area,  core, in between 

🔹Use Outskirts in a sentence 

Example-  The cantonment is situated just on the outskirts of the city. 

⚫Officious ( adj)

Meaning-   trying to please

Officious   Synonyms -  arrogant,  intrusive,  impertinent,  rude

Officious   Antonyms -  humble,  taciturn,  unassuming, timid 

🔹Use Officious in a sentence 

Example-  Beware of officious subordinates because they are parasites. 

⚫Opportune ( adj)

Meaning-   timely,  well chosen

 Opportune   Synonyms -  auspicious,  appropriate,  favorable,  suitable 

Opportune   Antonyms -  untimely,  unlucky,  improper,  irrelevant 

🔹Use Opportune in a sentence 

Example-   One should wait for the opportune moment to strike a  bargain. 

⚫Obliterate (v)

Meaning-   wipe out

Obliterate   Synonyms -  destroy,  erase,  wipe out,  eliminate 

Obliterate   Antonyms -  create,  build,  establish,  arrange 

🔹Use Obliterate in a sentence 

Example-  The whole village was obliterated by continued shelling of Pakistani troops. 

⚫Odious ( adj)

Meaning-   repulsive,  contemptible

Odious   Synonyms -  obnoxious,  offensive,  detestable,  repugnant 

 Odious  Antonyms -  delightful,  lovable,  charming,  acceptable 

🔹Use Odious in a sentence 

Example-  Leaving my friend in the lurch is quite odious for me. 

⚫Overture (n)

Meaning-  first move

Overture   Synonyms -  preface,  prologue,  preliminary,  invitation 

Overture   Antonyms -  conclusion,  finish,  epilogue,  ending 

🔹Use Overture in a sentence 

Example-  The  overture on the part of her husband for reconciliation met with no response from her. 

⚫Ostracize (v)

Meaning-   ex-communicate

Ostracize   Synonyms -  exclude,  banish,  reject,  boycott 

Ostracize   Antonyms -  embrace,  welcome,  accede,  permit 

🔹Use Ostracize in a sentence 

Example-  He was ostracized by the elders of the village for marrying the girl of the other community. 

⚫Oblivion (n)

Meaning-   forgetfulness

Oblivion    Synonyms -  disregard,  obscurity,  amnesia 

Oblivion   Antonyms -  awareness,  focus,  memory,  consciousness 

🔹Use Oblivion in a sentence 

Example-  The  famous film-personalities of the past are forced to lead a life of oblivion  in  their  old age. 

⚫Obviate (v)

Meaning-   make unnecessary

Obviate   Synonyms -  prevent,  avoid,  anticipate,  avert

Obviate   Antonyms -  permit, allow,  involve,  compel

🔹Use Obviate in a sentence 

Example-  The  use of computers in offices will obviate the need for further recruitment of the staff  in the  banks.

Onerous ( adj)

Meaning-   burdensome

 Onerous  Synonyms -  difficult,  laborious,  oppressive,  harsh 

Onerous   Antonyms -  light,  effortless,  facile,  simple 

🔹Use Onerous in a sentence 

Example-  The  work allotted to him was so onerous that he needed an assistant. 

⚫Ostentatious ( adj)

Meaning-   fond of displaying

Ostentatious   Synonyms -  showy, flamboyant,  gaudy,   garish 

Ostentatious    Antonyms -  plain,  quiet,  discreet,  reserved 

🔹Use Ostentatious in a sentence 

Example-  She is disliked for her ostentatious behaviour towards her friends and colleagues. 

Penchant (n)

Meaning-  strong inclination 

Penchant   Synonyms -  predilection,  partiality,  fondness,  liking 

 Penchant   Antonyms -  dislike,  aversion,  hatred,  disinclination 

🔹Use penchant in a sentence 

Example-  She has strong penchant for singing and dancing. 

⚫Pithy ( adj)

Meaning-  concise,  meaningful 

Pithy   Synonyms -  brief,  compact,  short, significant 

Pithy   Antonyms -  verbose,  lengthy,  garrulous,  wordy

🔹Use pithy in a sentence 

Example-  The essays of Francis Bacon are  read all over the world because they are pithy and profound in their meaning.

⚫Paltry ( adj)

Meaning-   insignificant,  petty 

  Paltry  Synonyms -  trivial,  unimportant,  negligible,  minor 

Paltry   Antonyms -  important,  royal,  considerable, significant 

🔹Use paltry in a sentence 

Example-  Strangely enough,  the two friends quarrelled over paltry amount. 

⚫Pecuniary ( adj)

Meaning-   pertaining to money 

Pecuniary   Synonyms -  monetary,  financial,  economic,  banking 

 Pecuniary  Antonyms -  impecunious, poor, nonfinancial  

🔹Use pecuniary in a sentence 

Example-  Besides pecuniary loss in business he had  to suffer humiliation in society. 

⚫Perpetual ( adj)

Meaning-   everlasting 

 Perpetual  Synonyms -  constant,  endless,  stable,  unfluctuating

 Perpetual  Antonyms -  temporary,  erratic,  impermanent,  occasional 

🔹Use perpetual in a sentence 

Example-  Neither joys nor sorrows  are perpetual in life. 

⚫Plaintive ( adj)

Meaning-  mournful 

Plaintive   Synonyms -  sad, melancholy,  sorrowful,  doleful 

Plaintive   Antonyms -  cheerful,  mirthful,  happy,  blissful 

🔹Use plaintive in a sentence 

Example-  The  plaintive notes of Nightingale were heard in the forest. 

⚫Pragmatic ( adj)

Meaning-   practical 

Pragmatic   Synonyms -  realistic,  reasonable,  sensible,  logical 

Pragmatic   Antonyms -  sentimental,  impractical,  naive, visionary 

🔹Use pragmatic in a sentence 

Example-  India should adopt pragmatic foreign policy to suit the need of the country . 

⚫Pedantic ( adj)

Meaning-   showing off learning 

 Pedantic  Synonyms -  bookish,  academic,  scholastic,  erudite 

 Pedantic  Antonyms -  inexact,  Careless,  negligent,  informal 

🔹Use pedantic in a sentence 

Example-  The  scholars try to show off their learning by using pedantic ideas.

⚫Perjury (n)

Meaning-   false testimony 

Perjury   Synonyms -  mendacity,  lie, deception,  falsification 

Perjury   Antonyms -  truthful,  honesty,  faithfulness,  oath

🔹Use perjury in a sentence 

Example-  American President was indicted for perjury. 

⚫Pre-requisite (n)

Meaning-  pre-condition

 Pre-requisite  Synonyms -  requirement, condition,  imperative,  essential 

🔹Use  pre-requisite in a sentence 

Example-  Hard work is pre-requisite  to success in life . 

⚫Paradox (n)

Meaning-   contradictory 

Paradox   Synonyms -  inconsistency,  mystery,  dilemma,  ambiguity 

Paradox   Antonyms -  certainty,  normality,  fact,  regularity 

🔹Use  paradox in a sentence 

Example-  That the virtuous don't prosper materially is a paradox of life.

⚫Parsimonious ( adj)

Meaning-   mean, frugal 

Parsimonious    Synonyms -  miserly,  stingy,  niggardly, greedy 

Parsimonious    Antonyms -  extravagant,  liberal,  lavish,  wasteful 

🔹Use  parsimonious in a sentence 

Example-  Ramesh is extravagant but his wife is parsimonious . 

⚫Perusal ( n)

Meaning-   careful study 

 Perusal  Synonyms -  inspection,  review,  check, inquiry 

Perusal   Antonyms -  glimpse,  peep, flash,  glance 

🔹Use  perusal in a sentence 

Example-  I am  sending a copy of the agreement for your perusal. 

⚫Prodigal ( adj)

Meaning-   wasteful

Prodigal   Synonyms -  lavish,  spendthrift,  extravagant,  luxuriant 

 Prodigal  Antonyms -  frugal,  prudent,  careful,  thrifty 

🔹Use prodigal in a sentence 

Example-  The  sons of the rich are generally prodigal and waste money on luxuries of life . 

⚫Prolific ( adj)

Meaning-  fruitful,  productive 

Prolific   Synonyms -  fertile, abundant,  plentiful,  fruitful 

Prolific   Antonyms -  barren, infertile,  fruitless,  inefficient 

🔹Use  prolific in a sentence 

Example-  Shakespeare was a prolific playwright. 

⚫Pamper (v)

Meaning-   spoil by flattering

Pamper   Synonyms -  coddle,  to care like a baby, indulge

 Pamper  Antonyms -  neglect,  ignore,  hurt, abuse 

🔹Use  pamper in a sentence 

Example-  In Indian families,  the only son is pampered and spoiled by his mother . 

⚫Promulgate (v)

Meaning-   official proclamation

Promulgate   Synonyms -  announce,  broadcast,  declare,  publish 

 Promulgate   Antonyms -  conceal,  suppress,  bury, hide

🔹Use promulgate in a sentence 

Example-  The  ordinance for the reservation of women in legislature will be promulgated soon. 

⚫Penury (n)

Meaning-   extreme poverty 

 Penury  Synonyms -  destitution,  necessity,  lack, dearth

  Penury Antonyms -  affluence,  abundance,  plenty,  lavishness 

🔹Use penury in a sentence 

Example-  More than half of population in India is forced to lead a life  of  penury resulting in untold sufferings . 

⚫Purview (n)

Meaning-   scope,  extent

 Purview  Synonyms -  jurisdiction,  range,  extension,  authority 

Purview   Antonyms -  constriction,  angle,  frog view,  domain 

🔹Use  purview in a sentence 

Example-  The  reasons for the murder of the gangster are not within  the  purview  of the inquiry committee . 

⚫Profane (v)

Meaning-   desecrate 

 Profane  Synonyms -  unholy,  impious,  blasphemous,  sinful 

 Profane  Antonyms -  sacred,  religious,  godly,  consecrated 

🔹Use  profane in a sentence 

Example-  We must respect every religion and never try to profane the  sanctity of holy places . 

⚫Precocious ( adj)

Meaning-   mature before time 

Precocious   Synonyms -  advanced,  premature,  bright,  excellent 

 Precocious  Antonyms -  delayed,  belated,  stupid,  imbecile 

🔹Use  precocious in a sentence 

Example-  The  precocious children need careful bringing up by their parents . 

⚫Placid ( adj)

Meaning-   calm, peaceful 

Placid   Synonyms -  quiet,  still, undisturbed,  serene 

 Placid  Antonyms -  exited,  agitated,  violent,  fierce 

🔹Use  placid in a  sentence 

Example-  The  placid atmosphere of the hill station  had salutary effect on his mind and body . 

⚫Posterity (n)

Meaning-   future generations 

 Posterity  Synonyms -  offspring, breed, descendant, progeny 

 Posterity  Antonyms -  ancestor, forefather,  predecessor,  antecedent 

🔹Use posterity in a sentence 

Example-  The posterity will not pardon the present politicians for their acts of omission and commission. 

⚫Paragon (n)

Meaning-  model of perfection 

Paragon   Synonyms -  champion,  hero, warrior,  ideal 

 Paragon  Antonyms -  renegade,  betrayer,  turncoat,  apostate 

🔹Use  paragon in a sentence 
Example-  Sushila is always depicted as a paragon of ideal and virtuous women. 

Part 6 of the compilation of most important VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) for BANKING (SBI IBPS, RBI) exams Part 6 of the compilation of most important  VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence)  for BANKING (SBI  IBPS, RBI) exams Reviewed by Admin on December 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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