Part 4 of the compilation of most important VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) for BANKING (SBI IBPS, RBI) exams - PREPARE ENGLISH FOR SSC BANK AND OTHER EXAMS:ENGLISHKENDRA
Part 4 of the compilation of most important  VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence)  for BANKING (SBI  IBPS, RBI) exams

⚫Humdrum (adj)

Meaning-   dull,  monotonous


Humdrum  Synonyms -  boring,  tiresome,  uninteresting,  tedious 

Humdrum  Antonyms -  exciting,  amazing,  mesmerizing,  alluring 

🔹Use humdrum in a sentence

Example-  After strenuous years of service he is not able to adapt himself to humdrum life of retirement. 

⚫Huddle (v)

Meaning-   crowd together

सिमट जाना,  भीड़ लगाना 

Huddle   Synonyms -  herd, flock,  meeting,  congregate 

Huddle   Antonyms -  dismiss,  separate,  empty,  take apart 

🔹Use huddle in a sentence

Example-  The passengers sat huddled in a crowded compartment. 

⚫Haggle (v)

Meaning-    bargain about prices

मोल भाव करना 

Haggle  Synonyms -  barter, bargaining,  argue, deal

Haggle   Antonyms -  agree,  concur,  comply, come to a conclusion 

🔹Use haggle in a sentence

Example-  We haggle with rickshaw-pullers while with doctors we cannot. 

⚫Hapless (adj)

Meaning-   unfortunate

अभागा,  दयनीय 

Hapless   Synonyms -  unlucky,  miserable,  pitiful,  misfortunate

Hapless   Antonyms -  fortuitous,  blessed,  favorable,  propitious 

🔹Use hapless in a sentence

Example-  The hapless victims of tragedy were sanctioned compensation by the Government. 

⚫Hamper (v)

Meaning-   obstruct,  impede,   a gift box

बाधा डालना,  छेड़छाड़ करना 

Hamper  Synonyms -  hinder, prevent,  inhibit,  retard

Hamper   Antonyms -  assist, encourage,  promote,  permit 

🔹Use hamper in a sentence

Example-  The  growth of population has hampered economic progress in India. 

⚫Hegemony (n)

Meaning-   predominance

आधिपत्य,  नेतृत्व 

Hegemony   Synonyms -  power,  authority,  jurisdiction,  command 

 Hegemony  Antonyms -  disability, constraint, repression 

🔹Use hegemony in a sentence

Example-  Both America and China are trying for hegemony in Asia. 

⚫Hustings (n)

Meaning-   contest,   elections

चुनावपूर्व की राजनैतिक गतिविधियां 

Hustings  Synonyms -  theatre,  podium, stage,  gallery 

🔹Use hustings in a sentence

Example-  The Congress party was badly defeated at the hustings in 1977.

⚫Heretic (n)

Meaning-   holding unorthodox belief

सर्वधर्मभ्रष्ट, अपधर्मी 

Heretic  Synonyms -  apostate,  dissenter,  nonconformist,  heretical 

Heretic   Antonyms -  follower,  believer,  man of god

🔹Use heretic in a sentence

Example-  Joan of Arc was considered heretic by the Church. 

⚫Hoodwink (v)

Meaning-   deceive

चालाकी करना 

Hoodwink   Synonyms -  trick,  cheat, mislead,  delude 

Hoodwink   Antonyms -  undeceive, disillusion,  publish,  unmask 

🔹Use hoodwink in a sentence

Example-  Hypocrites cannot hoodwink people for long.

⚫Husband (v)

Meaning-   utilise

किफ़ायत से खर्च करना

Husband  Synonyms -  economize, retain,  store, keep

Husband   Antonyms -  blow off, extravagance 

🔹Use husband in a sentence

Example-  India has a plethora of natural resources which she must husband for her progress.

⚫Hostile (adj)

Meaning-   unfriendly

शत्रुतापूर्ण,  द्वेषी 

Hostile    Synonyms -  aggressive,  hateful,  belligerent,  adverse 

 Hostile  Antonyms -  friendly,  peaceful,  hospitable,  warmhearted 

🔹Use hostile in a sentence

Example-  Western powers have ever been hostile to India for reasons best known to them. 

⚫Hypothecate (v)

Meaning-   mortgage,   pawn

अनुमान लगाना

Hypothecate   Synonyms -  theorize, suppose,  jeopardize,  deposit 

Hypothecate   Antonyms -  disaster,  blighted,  reckon

🔹Use hypothecate in a sentence

Example-  You can get loan from this bank by hypothecating house. 

⚫Halcyon (adj )

Meaning-   calm,  peaceful

शांत, खुशगवार 

Halcyon   Synonyms -  prosperous,  Pacific,  untroubled,  golden 

 Halcyon  Antonyms -  violent,  furious,  turbulent,  unhappy 

🔹Use halcyon in a sentence

Example-  Halcyon days a few years back appear to be just a dream. 

⚫Holocaust (n)

Meaning-   destruction by fire

सर्वनाश,  विध्वंस 

Holocaust   Synonyms -  massacre,  catastrophe,  conflagration,  eradication 

Holocaust   Antonyms -  peace,  tranquillity,   silence,  placidity

🔹Use holocaust in a sentence

Example-  The third world war is bound to bring about nuclear holocaust. 

⚫Hackneyed ( adj)

Meaning-   commonplace,   trite

घिसा पिटा,  अतिसामान्य

Hackneyed   Synonyms -  stale,  stock,  tired, unoriginal 

Hackneyed   Antonyms -  fresh,  original,  strange,  creative 

🔹Use hackneyed in a sentence

Example-  Now-a-days no one is interested in the hackneyed speeches of the politicians. 

⚫Hazy (adj)

Meaning-   slightly obscure

धुँधला,  अस्पष्ट 

Hazy   Synonyms -  unclear,  blurred,  vague,  cloudy 

Hazy   Antonyms -  clear,  sunny,  bright,  obvious 

🔹Use hazy in a sentence

Example-  I have just a hazy idea of my mother because she died when I was just five years old. 

⚫Hypocrite (n)

Meaning-   pretending virtue


Hypocrite   Synonyms -  fraud, fake, charlatan,  imposter 

Hypocrite   Antonyms -  truthful,  honest,  faithful,  straight 

🔹Use hypocrite in a sentence

Example-  Those who praise themselves are generally hypocrites.

⚫Hoax (n)

Meaning-   trick,  practical joke

धोखा,  छल

Hoax   Synonyms -  prank, fraud,  deception,  cheat 

  Hoax Antonyms -  real, factual,  right,  honest 

🔹Use hoax in a sentence

Example-  The information that a bomb had been planted in the aeroplane just proved a hoax.

⚫Haggard (adj)

Meaning-   lean, gaunt

थका हारा, सुखा हुआ 
Haggard   Synonyms -  bony, pale,  skeletal,  skinny 

Haggard   Antonyms -  chubby,  healthy,  fleshy,  fresh 

🔹Use haggard in a sentence

Example-  A haggard and pale looking old man begged for some money. 

⚫Heinous (adj)

Meaning-   atrocious,  odious

Heinous   Synonyms -  abominable,  hideous,  evil, horrible 

 Heinous  Antonyms -  glorious,  adorable,  lovely,  heavenly 

🔹Use heinous in a sentence

Example-  The heinous crimes by the Nazis are against every norm  of civilization. 

⚫Humane ( adj)

Meaning-   kind

Humane   Synonyms -  benevolent,  charitable,  merciful,  generous 

Humane   Antonyms -  cruel,  atrocious,  brutal,  barbarous 

🔹Use humane in a sentence

Example-  Every religion preaches to be humane and considerate. 

⚫Haphazard ( adj)

Meaning-   random,  by chance

Haphazard   Synonyms -  irregular,  careless   accidental,  messy 

Haphazard   Antonyms -  planned,  methodical,  organized,  regular 

🔹Use haphazard in a sentence

Example-  He had no time and bought the clothes haphazardly. 

⚫Hazardous ( adj)

Meaning-   dangerous

Hazardous   Synonyms -  dangerous,  unsafe,  perilous,  precarious 

Hazardous   Antonyms -  harmless,  assured,  infallible,  protected 

🔹Use hazardous in a sentence

Example-  A journey to Amarnath shrine is hazardous.

⚫Hearsay (n)

Meaning-   rumour

Hearsay   Synonyms -  gossip,  talk,  scandal,  whisper 

Hearsay   Antonyms -  truth,  reality,  evidence,  proof 

🔹Use hearsay in a sentence

Example-  One must not believe in hearsay. 

⚫Homily (n)

Meaning-   moral discourse

Homily   Synonyms -  talk, speech,  lecture,  monologue 

Homily   Antonyms -  dialogue,  two way  communication 

🔹Use homily in a sentence

Example-  A person should not deliver homily unless he himself follows. 

⚫Harbinger (n)

Meaning-   forerunner

Harbinger   Synonyms -  forecast, prognostic,  signal,  predict 

Harbinger   Antonyms -  descendant,  come in last, black sheep

🔹Use harbinger in a sentence

Example-  Autumn is the harbinger of spring. 

⚫Harangue (n)

Meaning-   loud and scolding talk

Harangue   Synonyms -  lecture,  declaim, orate, allocution

Harangue   Antonyms -  homage,  tribute,  eulogy,  encomium 

🔹Use harangue in a sentence

Example-  In his harangue the commander reproved the  soldiers for their unruly conduct. 

⚫Impasse (n)

Meaning-   dead lock

Impasse   Synonyms -  dead end, standstill,  blind alley,  predicament 

Impasse   Antonyms -  advance,  agreement,  approach,  breakthrough 

🔹Use impasse in a sentence

Example-  At present there is impasse in  the talks between India and Pakistan.

⚫Ignoble (adj)

Meaning-   unworthy

Ignoble   Synonyms -  dishonorable,  contemptible,  sordid,  dishonourable

Ignoble   Antonyms -  noble,  honorable,  reputable,  great 

🔹Use ignoble in a sentence

Example-  His ignoble motives were exposed by his wicked actions. 

⚫Imbroglio (n)

Meaning-   complicated situation

 Imbroglio  Synonyms -  commotion,  chaos,  brawl,  disarray 

 Imbroglio  Antonyms -  clarification,  elucidation,  unscramble 

🔹Use imbroglio in a sentence

Example-  Kashmir problem has become national  imbroglio which has eluded solution.

⚫Indolent (adj)

Meaning-   lazy, lethargic

Indolent   Synonyms -  slothful, lethargic,  inactive,  torpid,  

 Indolent  Antonyms -  active,  energetic,  diligent,  vivacious 

🔹Use indolent in a sentence

Example-  shama was feeling indolent because of the sweltering weather in the afternoon. 

⚫Imbued (v)

Meaning-   filled with

Imbued  Synonyms -  soaked,  drenched,  permeated,  drenched 

Imbued   Antonyms -  drained,  dry, desolate,  shallow 

🔹Use imbued in a sentence

Example-  It is a pity that our political leaders are not imbued with the spirit of nationalism. 

⚫Intrinsic (adj)

Meaning-   of value within,  real quality

Intrinsic   Synonyms -  natural,  inherent,  inborn,  essential 

 Intrinsic  Antonyms -  external,  outside,  acquired,  superfluous 

🔹Use intrinsic in a sentence

Example-  The intrinsic value of the Indian rupee  is  on decline. 

⚫Itinerary (n)

Meaning-   plan of a journey

Itinerary   Synonyms -  travel plan, tour,  path, schedule 

Itinerary   Antonyms -  unexpected event,  twist of fate, random situation 

🔹Use itinerary in a sentence

Example-  Delhi has been included in the itinerary of the American President's  visit to Asia. 

⚫Impeccable (adj)

Meaning-   faultless

Impeccable   Synonyms -  perfect,  flawless,  spotless,  pure

Impeccable   Antonyms -  imperfect,  corrupt,  faulty,  flawed 

🔹Use impeccable in a sentence

Example-  There is no person in the world who can claim to have impeccable character. 

⚫Impede (v)

Meaning-  to hinder, hamper

 Impede  Synonyms -  obstruct,  prevent,  inhibit,  interfere 

 Impede  Antonyms -  assist, support,  facilitate,  encourage 

🔹Use impede in a sentence

Example-  Economic crisis in the country will impede the industrial progress. 

⚫Inept (adj) 

Meaning-   incompetent

Inept   Synonyms -  awkward,  clumsy,  unfit,  incapable 

 Inept  Antonyms -   competent,  clever,  suitable,  fit

🔹Use inept in a sentence

Example-  Inept handling of the foreign policy by the Congress party has created many complicated situations for the country. 

⚫Inertia ( n)

Meaning-  passivity

Inertia  Synonyms -  inactivity,  laziness,  inaction,  lethargy 

Inertia   Antonyms -  activeness, alacrity,  liveliness,  movement 

🔹Use inertia in a sentence

Example-   The modern youth is suffering from inertia because they are not optimistic about their future. 

⚫Innate (adj)

Meaning-   inborn

Innate   Synonyms -  natural,  inherent,  native,  indigenous 

 Innate  Antonyms -  foreign,  accidental,  acquired 

🔹Use innate in a sentence

Example-  Poets are born with innate talent for writing poetry. 

⚫Insular (adj)

Meaning-   narrow minded

 Insular  Synonyms -  isolated,  restricted,  limited,  lonely 

 Insular  Antonyms -  unbiased,  unprejudiced, cosmopolitan,  tolerant 

 ðŸ”¹Use insular in a sentence

Example-  Fanatics have insular views about men and matters. 

⚫Indict (v)

Meaning-   accuse, charge

 Indict  Synonyms -  blame, denounce,  censure,  prosecute 

 Indict  Antonyms -  acquit, vindicate,  absolve,  pardon 

🔹Use indict in a sentence

Example-  The officials of the department were indicted by the court for financial irregularities. 

⚫Intrude (v)

Meaning-   interfere, trespass

Intrude   Synonyms -  interrupt, disturb,  bother,  disrupt 

 Intrude  Antonyms -  abandon,  leave, ignore,  withdraw 

🔹Use intrude in a sentence

Example- She doesn't like if anyone tries to intrude on her privacy. 

⚫Inkling (n)

Meaning-  clue,  hint

Inkling  Synonyms -  idea, suspicion,  suggestion,  notion 

Inkling  Antonyms -  certainty,  assurance,  guaranty, confidence 

🔹Use inkling in a sentence

Example-  I had no inkling that she would break with her friends so soon. 

⚫Impervious (adj)

Meaning-   unaffected

Impervious   Synonyms -  insensitive,  callous,  indifferent,  insensible 

Impervious   Antonyms -  Vulnerable,  penetrable, allergic,  responsive 

🔹Use impervious in a sentence

Example-  Ramesh never listens his parents and is always impervious to their advice. 

⚫Ingenuous (adj)

Meaning-   naive, artless, credulous

Ingenuous   Synonyms -  candid, frank, guileless,  sincere 

Ingenuous   Antonyms -  cunning,  artful,  crafty,  deceitful 

🔹Use ingenuous in a sentence

Example-  Children are ingenuous by nature. 

⚫Inscrutable ( adj)

Meaning-   incomprehensible

 Inscrutable  Synonyms -  mysterious,  enigmatic,  cryptic,  puzzling 

Inscrutable    Antonyms -  comprehensible,  clear,  obvious,  certain 

🔹Use inscrutable in a sentence

Example-  The laws of nature are inscrutable. 

⚫Ingrained ( adj)

Meaning-   deeply fixed in mind

Ingrained   Synonyms -  inherent,  congenital,  inborn,  habitual 

Ingrained   Antonyms -  superficial,  alien,  accidental, shallow 

🔹Use ingrained in a sentence

Example-  Dishonesty appears to be ingrained in his character. 

⚫Innocuous  (adj )

Meaning-   harmless

Innocuous   Synonyms -  innocent,  naive,  jejune,  inoffensive 

Innocuous   Antonyms -  obnoxious,  injurious,  offensive,  evil 

🔹Use innocuous in a sentence

Example-  It is now proved that soft drinks are not innocuous. 

⚫Inordinate ( adj)

Meaning-   excessive

 Inordinate  Synonyms -  outrageous,  exorbitant,  extreme,  extravagant 

 Inordinate  Antonyms -  frugal,  reasonable,  inadequate,  perfectionist 

🔹Use inordinate in a sentence

Example-  I don't understand the reason for his inordinate delay in replying to my letter. 

⚫Irksome ( adj)

Meaning-   tedious

Irksome   Synonyms -  irritating,  annoying,  vexatious,  tiresome 

Irksome    Antonyms -  delightful,  fun, interesting,  pleasing 

🔹Use irksome in a sentence

Example-  I don't like to do any irksome job,  however profitable it may be. 

⚫Imbibe (v)

Meaning-   drink,  take in ideas

Imbibe   Synonyms -  absorb,  soak up,  sip, suck

Imbibe   Antonyms -  abstain,  exhale,  dry, exile 

🔹Use imbibe in a sentence

Example-  Every Indian must imbibe the spirit of nationalism. 

⚫Impertinent (adj)

Meaning-   insolent,  impudent

Impertinent  Synonyms -  rude, brazen,  disrespectful,  bold

Impertinent   Antonyms -  polite, humble,  gracious,  decent 

🔹Use impertinent in a sentence

Example-  Suresh was reprimanded for his impertinent behaviour. 

⚫Intermittent ( adj)

Meaning-   irregular,  continual

 Intermittent  Synonyms -  sporadic,  irregular,  erratic,  spasmodic 

 Intermittent  Antonyms -  constant,  continuous,  regular,  perpetual 

🔹Use intermittent in a sentence

Example-  Heavy damage has been caused to the buildings on account of intermittent rains for the last  two months. 

⚫Immaculate ( adj)

Meaning-  pure,  spotless

Immaculate   Synonyms -  clean, undefiled, perfect,  impeccable 

Immaculate   Antonyms -  dirty,  slut, sinful,  imperfect 

🔹Use immaculate in a sentence

Example-  Sweety is often dressed in immaculately white dress. 

⚫Incessant ( adj)

Meaning-  uninterrupted, continuous

Incessant   Synonyms -  constant,  endless,  persistent,  perpetual 

Incessant   Antonyms -  discontinuous,  occasional,  irregular,  periodical 

🔹Use incessant in a sentence

Example-  we had to cancel our visit to Agra because of incessant rains. 

⚫Indigent (adj)

Meaning-   poor

Indigent   Synonyms -  destitute,  penniless,  needy, underprivileged 

 Indigent  Antonyms -  prosperous,  affluent,  flush, generous 

🔹Use indigent in a sentence

Example-  Ramu could not continue his study because his parents were indigent. 

⚫Inundate (v)

Meaning-   overflow, flood

Inundate   Synonyms -  immerse, deluge, engulf,  saturate 

Inundate   Antonyms -  dry, drain,  dehydrate,  parch

🔹Use inundate in a sentence

Example-  The whole village was inundated with flood water.

⚫Inveterate ( adj)

Meaning-   deep rooted,  habitual

 Inveterate   Synonyms -  persistent,  chronic,  confirmed,  settled 

 Inveterate   Antonyms -  occasional,  unusual,  amiable,  corrigible

🔹Use inveterate in a sentence

Example-  Rahul is an inveterate liar.

⚫Inimical ( adj)

Meaning-  unfriendly,  hostile

Inimical   Synonyms -  harmful,  antagonistic,  adverse ,  unfavorable 

 Inimical  Antonyms -  desirous,  hospitable,  friendly,  favorable 

🔹Use inimical in a sentence

Example-  I feel my friends have turned inimical and are working against my interests.

⚫ Innovation (n)

Meaning-   introduce new thing

Innovation  Synonyms -  invention,  alteration,  creation,  development 

Innovation    Antonyms -  tradition, old,  custom,  deterioration 

🔹Use innovation in a sentence

Example- we cannot keep up with progress unless we introduce innovations in our technology. 

⚫Impute (v)

Meaning-   attribute, ascribe

 Impute  Synonyms -  assign,  charge ,  accuse, blame 

Impute   Antonyms -  defend,  guard, exculpate, absolve 

🔹Use impute in a sentence

Example-  You can impute his failure in life to his fickle mindedness. 

⚫ Instigate (v)

Meaning-   urge, incite

Instigate   Synonyms -  provoke,  excite, prompt,  foment 

Instigate   Antonyms -  prevent,  discourage,  restrain,  calm

🔹Use instigate in a sentence

Example-  China is instigating trouble on our borders. 

⚫Impending (v)

Meaning-   imminent,  approaching

Impending   Synonyms -  forthcoming,  looming,  menacing,  close

Impending   Antonyms -  distant,  apart, unlikely,  bygone 

🔹Use impending in a sentence

Example-   Some persons have intuition about impending calamity. 

⚫Insipid( adj)

Meaning-   tasteless

Insipid   Synonyms -  uninteresting,  jejune, boring,  tedious 

Insipid   Antonyms -  tasty,  delicious,  exciting,  flavorful 

🔹Use insipid in a sentence

Example-  All felt bored by his insipid jokes.

Part 4 of the compilation of most important VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) for BANKING (SBI IBPS, RBI) exams Part 4 of the compilation of most important  VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence)  for BANKING (SBI  IBPS, RBI) exams Reviewed by Admin on December 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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Note  :- The cloze/Closet tests available on EnglishKendra, have been prepared from  recent articles of newspapers(The Hindu, The Indian...

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