Part 2 of the compilation of most important vocabulary for Banking(SBI, IBPS RBI) exams (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) - PREPARE ENGLISH FOR SSC BANK AND OTHER EXAMS:ENGLISHKENDRA
Part 2 of the compilation of most important vocabulary for Banking(SBI, IBPS  RBI)  exams (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) 

💯Click here for the compilation of 20 frequently asked GRAMMAR RULES/error detection rules in BANK exams. 

🔷Part 2 of the compilation of most important vocabulary for Banking(SBI, IBPS  RBI)  exams (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) 

⚫Capricious (adj)

Meaning-   fickle,  unstable,  faithless

मनमौजी, सनकी 

 Capricious  Synonyms -  inconstant,  variable, volatile 
 Capricious  Antonyms -  stable,  consistent 

🔹Use Capricious in a sentence 

Example-  Capricious person change their mind frequently without any reason. 

⚫Clemency (n)

Meaning-   leniency,  mildness,  kindness

दयाशीलता,  राजदया

 Clemency  Synonyms -  mercy, gentleness,  humanity 

 Clemency   Antonyms -  cruelty,  no mercy,  meanness 

🔹Use Clemency in a sentence 

Example-  A judge should never dispense with clemency while dealing with criminals. 

⚫Chaste (adj)

Meaning-   pure, virtuous

पवित्रता,  शालीन 

Chaste  Synonyms -  celibate,  platonic,  moral 

 Chaste  Antonyms -  corrupt,  unchaste, dirty 

🔹Use Chaste in a sentence 

Example- Radhika is known for her chaste character. 

⚫Cogent (adj)

Meaning-   convincing,  forceful


 Cogent  Synonyms -  compelling,  weighty, persuasive 

 Cogent  Antonyms -  ineffective,  invalid,  unimportant 

🔹Use Cogent in a sentence 

Example-  Shyam could not offer any cogent reasons for his absence. 

⚫Collusion (n)

Meaning-   conspiracy,  nexus

साठगांठ,  मिलीभगत 

Collusion  Synonyms -  scam, deceit,  plot 

 Collusion   Antonyms -  honesty 

🔹Use Collusion in a sentence 

Example-  The local M.P. was found in collusion with the smugglers operating in the town.

⚫Condone (v)

Meaning-   overlook,  forgive

माफ़ करना,  ध्यान न देना 

  Condone Synonyms -  ignore,  pardon,  excuse 

Condone  Antonyms -  deny,  attend,  forbid 

🔹Use Condone in a sentence 

Example-  Rahul's fault is too serious to be condoned. 

⚫Corroborate (v)

Meaning-   confirm
पुष्टि करना

 Corroborate  Synonyms -  justify,  authenticate,  verify 

Corroborate   Antonyms -  disprove,  deny,  contradict 

🔹Use Corroborate in a sentence 

Example-  I am speaking the truth and my father is sure to corroborate my statement. 

⚫Crestfallen (adj)

Meaning-   dejected

हताश,  हतोत्साह

Crestfallen   Synonyms -  disappointed,  despondent,  discouraged 

Crestfallen   Antonyms -  cheerful,  encouraged,  excited 

🔹Use Crestfallen in a sentence 

Example-  On account of heavy loss in business, he is crestfallen these days. 


Meaning-   interpret

आशय बतलाना,  अर्थ लगाना, 

 Construe  Synonyms -  translate,  analyze,  define 

 Construe  Antonyms -  confuse,  obscure,  cloud 

🔹Use Construe in a sentence 

Example-  It is difficult to construe the working of laws of Nature. 

⚫Cryptic (adj)

Meaning-   mysterious,  hidden

गुप्त,  रहस्यमय 

Cryptic   Synonyms -  ambiguous,  strange,  abstruse 

Cryptic   Antonyms -  clear, certain,  obvious 

🔹Use Cryptic in a sentence 

Example-  Sneha was never forthcoming in her replies which were holly cryptic. 

⚫Commensurate (adj)

Meaning-   equal in proportion

आनुपातिक,  बराबर करना 

Commensurate Synonyms -  consistent,  sufficient,  appropriate 

 Commensurate  Antonyms -  unsuitable,  inadequate,  inappropriate 

🔹Use Commensurate in a sentence 

Example-  The income of Indian farmer is hardly commensurate with the labour he has to do.

⚫Commodious (adj)

Meaning-   spacious,  comfortable


 Commodious  Synonyms -  convenient,  capacious,  wide

Commodious  Antonyms -  uncomfortable,  inconvenient,  confined 

🔹Use Commodious in a sentence 

Example-  Rohan has built a commodious house because his sister is likely to live with him. 

⚫Capitulate (v)

Meaning-   surrender

आत्मसमर्पण करना,  झुकना 

 Capitulate   Synonyms -  cave in, concede, bow

  Capitulate Antonyms -  fight,  defend,  conquer 

🔹Use Capitulate in a sentence 

Example-  After long encounter the militants had to capitulate. 

⚫Compunction (n)

Meaning-   feeling of regret,  remorse

खेद, आत्मग्लानी 

 Compunction  Synonyms -  pity, shame,  attrition 

Compunction  Antonyms -  defiance,  happiness,  disdain 

🔹Use Compunction in a sentence 

Example-  Even the hard core criminals felt compunction at the injustice they had done to the family of their rivals. 

⚫Callow (n)

Meaning-   inexperienced


  Callow Synonyms - naive, inexperienced, immature, young

 Callow  Antonyms - experienced, well-versed, multi-skilled, good

🔹Use Callow in a sentence 

Example- Though Ramu is a callow now, he will gain experience by and by. 

⚫Chagrin (n)

Meaning-   Annoyance,  disappointment

क्लेश, संताप,  तीव्र निराशा 

 Chagrin   Synonyms -  shame, embarrass, humiliate, mortify

 Chagrin   Antonyms -  delight, pleasure, satisfaction, gladness

🔹Use Chagrin in a sentence 

Example- The defeat of our team filled us with chagrin. 

⚫Censure (n)

Meaning-   blame,  criticise

निन्दा,  अवक्षेप

 Censure  Synonyms -  rebuke, reprimand, criticism, condemn 

Censure  Antonyms -  praise, approval, compliment , permit

🔹Use Censure in a sentence 

Example-  Censure motion in the Parliament could not be tabled for want of quorum.

⚫Calibre (n)

Meaning-   capacity,  talent

क्षमता,  मानसिक शक्ति 

Calibre   Synonyms -  quality, essence, tendency, gauge

Calibre   Antonyms -  triviality, defectiveness, eminence, superiority 

🔹Use Calibre in a sentence 

Example-  His calibre for doing work in a meticulous manner is always appreciated. 

⚫Cede (v)

Meaning-   transfer title (land)

हथियार डाल देना,  सौंप देना 

Cede Synonyms -  yield, surrender, abandon, give up

 Cede  Antonyms -  defend, fight  withhold, retain

🔹Use Cede in a sentence 

Example-  India should never cede an inch of land to any foreign country. 

⚫Clandestine (adj)

Meaning-   secret

गुप्त,  छिपा हुआ 

Clandestine   Synonyms -  covert, surreptitious, hidden, undercover

 Clandestine  Antonyms -  public, manifest, open, obvious 

🔹Use Clandestine in a sentence 

Example-  Clandestine activities of the smugglers are well-known to the police. 

⚫Covert (adj)

Meaning-   hidden,  implied


 Covert   Synonyms -  secret, concealed, clandestine, private, 

 Covert   Antonyms -  public, visible, barefaced

🔹Use Covert in a sentence 

Example-  The  covert warning Sahil gave to me opened my eyes to the reality of the situation. 

⚫Chastise (v)

Meaning-   punish

दण्ड देना 

 Chastise   Synonyms -  scold, correct, chide, rebuke 

Chastise   Antonyms -  pardon, excuse, praise, encourage

🔹Use Chastise in a sentence 

Example-  Shila was chastised for her unruly behavior in the presence of the guests. 

⚫Connivance (n)

Meaning-  pretence of ignorance,  overlook


Connivance   Synonyms -  conspiracy, plot, cabal, collusion 

 Connivance   Antonyms -  intolerance, deprecation, secret

🔹Use Connivance in a sentence 

Example-  Criminals have been carrying on their nefarious activities with the connivance of the police. 

⚫Contraband (adj)

Meaning-   illegal goods

वर्जित माल 

 Contraband   Synonyms -  banned, smuggling,  unlawful, prohibited 

Contraband   Antonyms -  legal, permitted, authorised

🔹Use Contraband in a sentence 

Example-  Customs Department has not been able to stop traffic of contraband goods.

⚫Countermand (v)

Meaning-   cancel,  revoke

रद्द करना

 Countermand   Synonyms -  repeal, rescind, reverse, overturn

Countermand  Antonyms -  allow, command, permit

🔹Use Countermand in a sentence 

Example-  The  Election Commission has countermanded the election of the M.L.A. for over spending in elections. 

⚫Compliant (adj)

Meaning-   docile,  flexible

आज्ञाकारी,  सम्मत 

 Compliant  Synonyms -  pliant,  docile, manageable,  responsive 

 Compliant  Antonyms -  adamant,  stubborn,  defiant,  proud

🔹Use Compliant in a sentence 

Example- Ram is admired for his compliant nature. 

⚫Cliche (n)

Meaning-   stereotyped phrase

चलन से बाहर हुआ मुहावरा 

 Cliche  Synonyms -  platitude,  banality,  phrase,  hackneyed 

 Cliche  Antonyms -  neologism,  plot twist 

🔹Use Cliche in a sentence 

Example-  I never listen to the speeches of the leaders because they are always full of cliches. 

⚫Condign (adj)

Meaning-   adequate, rigorous

Condign  Synonyms -  appropriate,  fitting ,  proper,  deserved 

Condign  Antonyms -  undeserved ,  inapposite, unmerited 

🔹Use Condign in a sentence 

Example-  No punishment,  whatsoever is condign for a rapist.

⚫Congregation (n)

Meaning-   religious gathering

मण्डली,  धार्मिक सभा 

 Congregation   Synonyms -  gathering ,  assembly, crowd , company 

Congregation  Antonyms -  diffused,  separation,  few

🔹Use Congregation in a sentence 

Example-  The militants did not hesitate in throwing bombs at the congregation gathered in the religious place. 

⚫Chary (adj)

Meaning-   cautious,  watchful, wary


Chary   Synonyms -  careful ,  shy, prudent ,  frugal

Chary   Antonyms -  Careless,  desirous,  incautious, 

🔹Use Chary in a sentence 

Example-  We should be always chary of the strangers. 

⚫Coerce (v)

Meaning- force, repress

मजबूर करना,  जबरदस्ती करना 

  Coerce Synonyms -  compel, oblige,  push, pressure 

   Coerce Antonyms -  allow ,  permit,  agree

🔹Use Coerce in a sentence 

Example- Renu was coerced by her husband into bringing money from her parents. 

⚫Confound  (v)

Meaning-   confuse

गलत साबित करना,  हक्का-बक्का करना 

  Confound  Synonyms -  puzzle,  perplex,  nonplus,  mix up

Confound   Antonyms -  clarify,  explain,  interpret 

🔹Use Confound in a sentence 

Example-  On seeing the ghastly sight of murder,  everyone was confounded. 

⚫Cavil (v)

Meaning-   find fault

नुक्स  निकालना

 Cavil   Synonyms -  criticize,  complain,  carp, evade

  Cavil Antonyms -  receive,  accept,  agree

🔹Use cavil in a sentence 

Example-  Please don't cavil about unimportant matters. 

⚫Castigate  (v)

Meaning-   punish


Castigate   Synonyms -  chastise, reprimand,  scold, rebuke 

 Castigate   Antonyms -  praise, loud, compliment 

🔹Use castigate in a sentence 

Example-  The  thief was castigated by the police. 

⚫Dauntless (adj)

Meaning-   bold,  brave

निडर, निर्भीक 

 Dauntless   Synonyms -  courageous,  fearless,  daring,  heroic 

Dauntless   Antonyms -  coward,  shy, fearful 

🔹Use dauntless in a sentence 

Example-  Shivaji was a  dauntless warrior. 

⚫Daunt (v)

Meaning-   intimidate

धमकाना,  उत्साहहीन करना 

Daunt  Synonyms -  discourage,  scare, dishearten, terrify 

 Daunt  Antonyms -  encourage,  embolden ,  stimulate 

🔹Use daunt in a sentence 

Example-  One should never be daunted by difficulties in life. 

⚫Decry (v)

Meaning-   disparage


Decry   Synonyms -  depreciate,  belittle,  condemn,  denounce 

 Decry   Antonyms -  applaud,  exalt,  praise 

🔹Use decry in a sentence 

Example-  you can't gain anything by decrying the success of your rivals. 

⚫Devoid (adj)

Meaning-   lacking


Devoid Synonyms -  barrel,  vacant,  without,  destitute 

 Devoid  Antonyms -  full, abounding, filled 

🔹Use devoid in a sentence 

Example-  Sunita cannot trust him because he is devoid of sense of right and wrong. 

⚫Dearth (n)

Meaning-   scarcity
कमी, अकाल 

  Dearth Synonyms -  lack, paucity,  shortage,  deficiency 

 Dearth  Antonyms -  abundance,  surplus, adequacy 

🔹Use dearth in a sentence 

Example-  There is no dearth of talent in India but it has  remained unexploited. 

⚫Deference (n)

Meaning-   regards for another's wish.

Deference   Synonyms -  veneration,  homage,  honor, respect 

Deference  Antonyms -  disregard,  contempt,  defiance 

🔹Use deference in a sentence 

Example-  We are advised to  act in deference to  the wishes of  our parents. 

⚫Dubious (adj)

Meaning-   not certain,  doubtful,  suspicious

संदिग्ध, संदेहास्पद 

Dubious  Synonyms -  questionable,  suspicious,  shady, suspect 

  Dubious Antonyms -  certain ,  sure,  clear 

🔹Use dubious in a sentence 

Example-  Sohan is dubious about the scheme made by his friends. 

⚫Deleterious (adj)

Meaning-   harmful


Deleterious Synonyms -  injurious, detrimental,  damaging,  destructive 

  Deleterious  Antonyms - beneficial,  advantageous,  helpful 

🔹Use deleterious in a sentence 

Example-  We should always beware of the deleterious effect of overeating. 

⚫Deterrent (n)

Meaning-   discouraging

डराकर रोकने वाला,  निवारक

 Deterrent  Synonyms -  hindrance,  obstacle,  obstruction,  dissuading 

   Deterrent Antonyms -  encouragement,  help, stimulus 

🔹Use deterrent in a sentence 

Example-  India must possess nuclear weapons so that they may act as deterrent for her hostile neighbours. 

⚫Dilapidation (n)

Meaning-   state of ruins

जीर्णता,  बर्बादी की अवस्था 

Dilapidation  Synonyms -  decay, disrepair,  erosion,  deterioration 

Dilapidation Antonyms -  increase,  repair,  achievement 

🔹Use dilapidation in a sentence 

Example-  Ancient monuments in our town are in the state of dilapidation. 

⚫Disdain (v)

Meaning-   treat with scorn

अवहेलना करना,  नफरत

 Disdain  Synonyms -  contempt,  despise,  reject ,  disregard 

Disdain Antonyms -  respect,  praise,  admiration 

🔹Use disdain in a sentence 

Example-  Shyam always disdains what he considers dishonest. 

⚫Dire (adj)

Meaning-  disastrous

भीषण,  बेकार 

  Dire Synonyms -  dreadful,  awful, severe, terrible 

 Dire   Antonyms -  fortunate,  lucky,  propitious 

🔹Use dire in a sentence 

Example-  In the interest of National Security,  we must not be intimidated by the dire consequences of economic sanctions. 

⚫Dissipate (v)

Meaning-   squander, waste

अपव्यय करना,  उड़ा देना 

 Dissipate  Synonyms -  disperse,  dispel, consume,  scatter 

 Dissipate   Antonyms -  gather,  hoard,  collect 

🔹Use dissipate in a sentence 

Example-  India cannot afford to dissipate the forest resources. 

⚫Devout (adj)

Meaning-   religious, pious

धार्मिक,  पवित्र 

Devout   Synonyms -  devoted ,  godly,  holy, faithful 

Devout   Antonyms -  hypocritical,  irreligious,  sinful

🔹Use devout in a sentence 

Example-  My mother is devout and God fearing.

⚫Divulge (v)

Meaning-   reveal,  unravel

प्रकट करना,  खोल देना 

 Divulge   Synonyms -  disclose,  expose,  publish,  uncover 

 Divulge  Antonyms -  conceal, hide,  cover

🔹Use divulge in a sentence 

Example-  Ramesh tried to  gain my favour by divulging the secrets of my friends. 

⚫Defunct (adj)

Meaning-   dead, no longer in use


  Defunct Synonyms -  deceased,  extinct,  departed,  expired 

  Defunct Antonyms -  existing,  alive, operating 

🔹Use defunct in a sentence 

Example-  On account of heavy loss, the factory of Mr. Shukla is almost defunct. 

⚫Debauch (v)
Meaning-   corrupt
भ्रष्ट करना,  दूषित करना 

 Debauch  Synonyms -  deprave, debase, vitiate, brutalize 

 Debauch  Antonyms -  purify,  improve,  upgrade 

🔹Use debauch in a sentence 

Example-  Some of the TV channels have debauched the morals and manners of the youth of our country. 

⚫Dovetail (v)

Meaning-   fit together

मेल खाना,  सही तरह से करना 

 Dovetail  Synonyms -  accord,  correspond,  coincide,  match

Dovetail  Antonyms -  disconnect,  unlink, separate 

🔹Use dovetail in a sentence 

Example-  You can be benefitted only if you dovetail these two schemes to cut down the cost of the material. 

⚫Decoy (n)

Meaning-   lure,  bait

चारा, फँसाने वाले जानवर या चिड़िया 

Decoy  Synonyms -  trap, misdirect,  diversion,  mislead 

Decoy  Antonyms -  deter, repel, admonish 

🔹Use decoy in a sentence 

Example-  A goat is often used as a decoy by the hunters to catch a lion.

⚫Deride (v)

Meaning-   scoff at

उपहास करना 

Deride  Synonyms -  ridicule,  mock, taunt, scorn 

Deride  Antonyms -  respect,  commend,  compliment 

🔹Use deride in a sentence 

Example-  Ramesh is in the habit of deriding the achievements of his friends .

⚫Debacle (n)

Meaning-   downfall

सर्वनाश,  विध्वंस 

Debacle   Synonyms -  disaster,  fiasco, failure,  catastrophe 

 Debacle   Antonyms -  triumph,  success ,  achievement

🔹Use debacle in a sentence 

Example-  The poor batting performance resulted in the debacle of our team. 

⚫Deployment (n)

Meaning-   spreading out troops

तैनाती,  परिनियोजन 

Deployment  Synonyms -  distribution,  placement,  spread,  mobilisation

Deployment   Antonyms -  contraction,  waning,  fall

🔹Use deployment in a sentence 

Example-  The Central Government has promised the deployment of additional troops during elections. 

⚫Diffident (adj)

Meaning-   shy,  timid

शर्मीला,  संकोची 

Diffident  Synonyms -  bashful, humble ,  timorous,  coy

Diffident  Antonyms -  confident ,  sassy, desirous 

🔹Use diffident in a sentence 

Example-  A successful teacher is not expected to be diffident. 

⚫Desecrate (v)

Meaning-   violate, sanctity

भ्रष्ट करना,  अपवित्र करना 

 Desecrate  synonyms  - profane, defile, violate, debase

  Desecrate antonyms  - bless,dedicate,honor,consecrate 

🔹Use desecrate in a sentence 

Example-  The  rioters desecrated the  religious places. 

⚫Dulcet (adj)

Meaning-   melodious to the ear /taste


Dulcet  synonyms  - sweet,musical,melodious 
Dulcet antonyms  - obnoxious, unpleasant, harsh

🔹Use dulcet in a sentence 

Example-  As a singer, Jagjit Singh  is  known for his dulcet voice. 

⚫Demur (v)

Meaning-   delay,  hesitate

ऐतराज करना,  आपत्ति करना 

Demur synonyms  - object, protest, disagree, scruple 

Demur antonyms  - agree,accept, acquiesce

🔹Use demur in a sentence 

Example-  A practical man would never demur to avail himself of every chance. 

⚫Demure (adj)

Meaning- shy,  quiet

शांत,  सौम्य 

Demure  synonyms  - shy,humble, timid,coy

Demure  antonyms  - sassy,confident, bold,proud

🔹Use demure in a sentence 

Example- Sunaina is both demure and introvert. 

⚫Dilatory (adj)

Meaning-   Causing delay

विलंबकारी,  कार्य करने में सुस्ती 

Dilatory synonyms  - slow, tardy, slack, laggard

 Dilatory  antonyms  - punctual,flirty,diligent, prompt 

🔹Use dilatory in a sentence 

Example-  Many politicians consider dilatory tactics as an art of politics. 

Part 2 of the compilation of most important vocabulary for Banking(SBI, IBPS RBI) exams (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) Part 2 of the compilation of most important vocabulary for Banking(SBI, IBPS  RBI)  exams (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) Reviewed by Admin on December 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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Note  :- The cloze/Closet tests available on EnglishKendra, have been prepared from  recent articles of newspapers(The Hindu, The Indian...

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