Part 9 of the compilation of A-Z VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) for SSC, BANK (IBPS, SBI, RBI GRADE B) and other exams. - PREPARE ENGLISH FOR SSC BANK AND OTHER EXAMS:ENGLISHKENDRA
Part 9 of the compilation of most important A- Z vocabulary (with synonyms,  antonyms and its usage in a sentence) for SSC, Bank and other exams 

🔘As we all know how important role "vocabs"  play when it comes to SSC, IBPS, SBI exams. But memorizing and retaining them in our mind is still a challenge.To fix this, has come up with an idea of providing relatable and awesome examples that will stick to your mind as soon as you read it."EnglishKendra team"  is dedicated to provide you "the best study materials for English" for SSC, BANK, RAILWAY exams, prepared by the experts. Do check out other posts as well.  
💯Click here for the compilation of VOCABS asked in BANK EXAMS 

💠Part 9 of the compilation of A-Z VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence)  for SSC, BANK (IBPS, SBI, RBI GRADE B) and other exams. 

💯Click here for the PART 1 

⚫Impasse (n)

Meaning-   dead lock

Impasse   Synonyms -  dead end, standstill,  blind alley,  predicament 

Impasse   Antonyms -  advance,  agreement,  approach,  breakthrough 

🔹Use impasse in a sentence

Example-  At present there is impasse in  the talks between India and Pakistan.

⚫Ignoble (adj)

Meaning-   unworthy

Ignoble   Synonyms -  dishonorable,  contemptible,  sordid,  dishonourable

Ignoble   Antonyms -  noble,  honorable,  reputable,  great 

🔹Use ignoble in a sentence

Example-  His ignoble motives were exposed by his wicked actions. 

⚫Imbroglio (n)

Meaning-   complicated situation

 Imbroglio  Synonyms -  commotion,  chaos,  brawl,  disarray 

 Imbroglio  Antonyms -  clarification,  elucidation,  unscramble 

🔹Use imbroglio in a sentence

Example-  Kashmir problem has become national  imbroglio which has eluded solution.

⚫Indolent (adj)

Meaning-   lazy, lethargic

Indolent   Synonyms -  slothful, lethargic,  inactive,  torpid,  

 Indolent  Antonyms -  active,  energetic,  diligent,  vivacious 

🔹Use indolent in a sentence

Example-  shama was feeling indolent because of the sweltering weather in the afternoon. 

⚫Imbued (v)

Meaning-   filled with

Imbued  Synonyms -  soaked,  drenched,  permeated,  drenched 

Imbued   Antonyms -  drained,  dry, desolate,  shallow 

🔹Use imbued in a sentence

Example-  It is a pity that our political leaders are not imbued with the spirit of nationalism. 

⚫Intrinsic (adj)

Meaning-   of value within,  real quality

Intrinsic   Synonyms -  natural,  inherent,  inborn,  essential 

 Intrinsic  Antonyms -  external,  outside,  acquired,  superfluous 

🔹Use intrinsic in a sentence

Example-  The intrinsic value of the Indian rupee  is  on decline. 

⚫Itinerary (n)

Meaning-   plan of a journey

Itinerary   Synonyms -  travel plan, tour,  path, schedule 

Itinerary   Antonyms -  unexpected event,  twist of fate, random situation 

🔹Use itinerary in a sentence

Example-  Delhi has been included in the itinerary of the American President's  visit to Asia. 

⚫Impeccable (adj)

Meaning-   faultless

Impeccable   Synonyms -  perfect,  flawless,  spotless,  pure

Impeccable   Antonyms -  imperfect,  corrupt,  faulty,  flawed 

🔹Use impeccable in a sentence

Example-  There is no person in the world who can claim to have impeccable character. 

⚫Impede (v)

Meaning-  to hinder, hamper

 Impede  Synonyms -  obstruct,  prevent,  inhibit,  interfere 

 Impede  Antonyms -  assist, support,  facilitate,  encourage 

🔹Use impede in a sentence

Example-  Economic crisis in the country will impede the industrial progress. 

⚫Incite  (v)

Meaning-   arouse to action

Incite   Synonyms -  provoke,  arouse,  excite,  stimulate 

 Incite  Antonyms -  discourage,  subdue,  calm, suppress 

🔹Use incite in a sentence

Example-  The visit of the religious leader incited the communal riots in the city. 

⚫Inept (adj) 

Meaning-   incompetent

Inept   Synonyms -  awkward,  clumsy,  unfit,  incapable 

 Inept  Antonyms -   competent,  clever,  suitable,  fit

🔹Use inept in a sentence

Example-  Inept handling of the foreign policy by the Congress party has created many complicated situations for the country. 

⚫Inertia ( n)

Meaning-  passivity

Inertia  Synonyms -  inactivity,  laziness,  inaction,  lethargy 

Inertia   Antonyms -  activeness, alacrity,  liveliness,  movement 

🔹Use inertia in a sentence

Example-   The modern youth is suffering from inertia because they are not optimistic about their future. 

⚫Indigenous (adj)

Meaning-   native

Indigenous   Synonyms -  aboriginal,  local,  inborn,  congenital 

 Indigenous  Antonyms -  foreign,  alien, exotic,  external 

🔹Use indigenous in a sentence

Example-  India must not depend on foreign technology for there is no lack of indigenous talent in the country. 

⚫Innate (adj)

Meaning-   inborn

Innate   Synonyms -  natural,  inherent,  native,  indigenous 

 Innate  Antonyms -  foreign,  accidental,  acquired 

🔹Use innate in a sentence

Example-  Poets are born with innate talent for writing poetry. 

⚫Insular (adj)

Meaning-   narrow minded

 Insular  Synonyms -  isolated,  restricted,  limited,  lonely 

 Insular  Antonyms -  unbiased,  unprejudiced, cosmopolitan,  tolerant 

 ðŸ”¹Use insular in a sentence

Example-  Fanatics have insular views about men and matters. 

⚫Indict (v)

Meaning-   accuse, charge

 Indict  Synonyms -  blame, denounce,  censure,  prosecute 

 Indict  Antonyms -  acquit, vindicate,  absolve,  pardon 

🔹Use indict in a sentence

Example-  The officials of the department were indicted by the court for financial irregularities. 

⚫Intrude (v)

Meaning-   interfere, trespass

Intrude   Synonyms -  interrupt, disturb,  bother,  disrupt 

 Intrude  Antonyms -  abandon,  leave, ignore,  withdraw 

🔹Use intrude in a sentence

Example- She doesn't like if anyone tries to intrude on her privacy. 

⚫Inkling (n)

Meaning-  clue,  hint

Inkling  Synonyms -  idea, suspicion,  suggestion,  notion 

Inkling  Antonyms -  certainty,  assurance,  guaranty, confidence 

🔹Use inkling in a sentence

Example-  I had no inkling that she would break with her friends so soon. 

⚫Impervious (adj)

Meaning-   unaffected

Impervious   Synonyms -  insensitive,  callous,  indifferent,  insensible 

Impervious   Antonyms -  Vulnerable,  penetrable, allergic,  responsive 

🔹Use impervious in a sentence

Example-  Ramesh never listens his parents and is always impervious to their advice. 

⚫Ingenuous (adj)

Meaning-   naive, artless, credulous

Ingenuous   Synonyms -  candid, frank, guileless,  sincere 

Ingenuous   Antonyms -  cunning,  artful,  crafty,  deceitful 

🔹Use ingenuous in a sentence

Example-  Children are ingenuous by nature. 

⚫Inapt (adj)

Meaning-   unsuitable

Inapt   Synonyms -  inappropriate,  unfit,  improper,  inept 

Inapt  Antonyms -  suitable,  eligible,  applicable,  apposite 

🔹Use inapt in a sentence

Example-  The remarks Sheetal made at the party annoyed many because they were inapt.

⚫Inscrutable ( adj)

Meaning-   incomprehensible

 Inscrutable  Synonyms -  mysterious,  enigmatic,  cryptic,  puzzling 

Inscrutable    Antonyms -  comprehensible,  clear,  obvious,  certain 

🔹Use inscrutable in a sentence

Example-  The laws of nature are inscrutable. 

⚫Instance (n)

Meaning-   example

Instance   Synonyms -  sample,  case, situation,  specimen 

  Instance Antonyms -  present,  indication, hide, adumbrate

🔹Use instance in a sentence

Example-  There are a number of instances of his misbehaviour but I have always overlooked them.

⚫Ingrained ( adj)

Meaning-   deeply fixed in mind

Ingrained   Synonyms -  inherent,  congenital,  inborn,  habitual 

Ingrained   Antonyms -  superficial,  alien,  accidental, shallow 

🔹Use ingrained in a sentence

Example-  Dishonesty appears to be ingrained in his character. 

⚫Innocuous  (adj )

Meaning-   harmless

Innocuous   Synonyms -  innocent,  naive,  jejune,  inoffensive 

Innocuous   Antonyms -  obnoxious,  injurious,  offensive,  evil 

🔹Use innocuous in a sentence

Example-  It is now proved that soft drinks are not innocuous. 

⚫Inordinate ( adj)

Meaning-   excessive

 Inordinate  Synonyms -  outrageous,  exorbitant,  extreme,  extravagant 

 Inordinate  Antonyms -  frugal,  reasonable,  inadequate,  perfectionist 

🔹Use inordinate in a sentence

Example-  I don't understand the reason for his inordinate delay in replying to my letter. 

⚫Irksome ( adj)

Meaning-   tedious

Irksome   Synonyms -  irritating,  annoying,  vexatious,  tiresome 

Irksome    Antonyms -  delightful,  fun, interesting,  pleasing 

🔹Use irksome in a sentence

Example-  I don't like to do any irksome job,  however profitable it may be. 

⚫Imbibe (v)

Meaning-   drink,  take in ideas

Imbibe   Synonyms -  absorb,  soak up,  sip, suck

Imbibe   Antonyms -  abstain,  exhale,  dry, exile 

🔹Use imbibe in a sentence

Example-  Every Indian must imbibe the spirit of nationalism. 

⚫Impertinent (adj)

Meaning-   insolent,  impudent

Impertinent  Synonyms -  rude, brazen,  disrespectful,  bold

Impertinent   Antonyms -  polite, humble,  gracious,  decent 

🔹Use impertinent in a sentence

Example-  Suresh was reprimanded for his impertinent behaviour. 

⚫Intermittent ( adj)

Meaning-   irregular,  continual

 Intermittent  Synonyms -  sporadic,  irregular,  erratic,  spasmodic 

 Intermittent  Antonyms -  constant,  continuous,  regular,  perpetual 

🔹Use intermittent in a sentence

Example-  Heavy damage has been caused to the buildings on account of intermittent rains for the last  two months. 

⚫Immaculate ( adj)

Meaning-  pure,  spotless

Immaculate   Synonyms -  clean, undefiled, perfect,  impeccable 

Immaculate   Antonyms -  dirty,  slut, sinful,  imperfect 

🔹Use immaculate in a sentence

Example-  Sweety is often dressed in immaculately white dress. 

⚫Integrity (n)

Meaning-   wholeness,  uprightness

Integrity   Synonyms -  morality,  virtue,  decency,  fairness 

Integrity   Antonyms -  dishonesty,  deception,  unfairness,  disgrace 

🔹Use integrity in a sentence

Example-  The integrity of my brother is not to be questioned. 

⚫Incessant ( adj)

Meaning-  uninterrupted, continuous

Incessant   Synonyms -  constant,  endless,  persistent,  perpetual 

Incessant   Antonyms -  discontinuous,  occasional,  irregular,  periodical 

🔹Use incessant in a sentence

Example-  we had to cancel our visit to Agra because of incessant rains. 

⚫Indigent (adj)

Meaning-   poor

Indigent   Synonyms -  destitute,  penniless,  needy, underprivileged 

 Indigent  Antonyms -  prosperous,  affluent,  flush, generous 

🔹Use indigent in a sentence

Example-  Ramu could not continue his study because his parents were indigent. 

⚫Inundate (v)

Meaning-   overflow, flood

Inundate   Synonyms -  immerse, deluge, engulf,  saturate 

Inundate   Antonyms -  dry, drain,  dehydrate,  parch

🔹Use inundate in a sentence

Example-  The whole village was inundated with flood water.

⚫Inveterate ( adj)

Meaning-   deep rooted,  habitual

 Inveterate   Synonyms -  persistent,  chronic,  confirmed,  settled 

 Inveterate   Antonyms -  occasional,  unusual,  amiable,  corrigible

🔹Use inveterate in a sentence

Example-  Rahul is an inveterate liar.

⚫Inimical ( adj)

Meaning-  unfriendly,  hostile

Inimical   Synonyms -  harmful,  antagonistic,  adverse ,  unfavorable 

 Inimical  Antonyms -  desirous,  hospitable,  friendly,  favorable 

🔹Use inimical in a sentence

Example-  I feel my friends have turned inimical and are working against my interests.

⚫ Innovation (n)

Meaning-   introduce new thing

Innovation  Synonyms -  invention,  alteration,  creation,  development 

Innovation    Antonyms -  tradition, old,  custom,  deterioration 

🔹Use innovation in a sentence

Example- we cannot keep up with progress unless we introduce innovations in our technology. 

⚫Impute (v)

Meaning-   attribute, ascribe

 Impute  Synonyms -  assign,  charge ,  accuse, blame 

Impute   Antonyms -  defend,  guard, exculpate, absolve 

🔹Use impute in a sentence

Example-  You can impute his failure in life to his fickle mindedness. 

⚫ Instigate (v)

Meaning-   urge, incite

Instigate   Synonyms -  provoke,  excite, prompt,  foment 

Instigate   Antonyms -  prevent,  discourage,  restrain,  calm

🔹Use instigate in a sentence

Example-  China is instigating trouble on our borders. 

⚫Infinitesimal ( adj)

Meaning-   very small

Infinitesimal   Synonyms -  tiny,  minute,  microscopic,  miniature 

 Infinitesimal  Antonyms -  big, gigantic, immense, huge

🔹Use infinitesimal in a sentence

Example-  They found infinitesimal traces of poison in the drink. 

⚫Impending (v)

Meaning-   imminent,  approaching

Impending   Synonyms -  forthcoming,  looming,  menacing,  close

Impending   Antonyms -  distant,  apart, unlikely,  bygone 

🔹Use impending in a sentence

Example-   Some persons have intuition about impending calamity. 

⚫Insipid( adj)

Meaning-   tasteless

Insipid   Synonyms -  uninteresting,  jejune, boring,  tedious 

Insipid   Antonyms -  tasty,  delicious,  exciting,  flavorful 

🔹Use insipid in a sentence

Example-  All felt bored by his insipid jokes. 

Complete A-Z VOCABS, Englishkendra

Part 9 of the compilation of A-Z VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) for SSC, BANK (IBPS, SBI, RBI GRADE B) and other exams. Part 9 of the compilation of A-Z VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence)  for SSC, BANK (IBPS, SBI, RBI GRADE B) and other exams. Reviewed by Admin on November 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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Note  :- The cloze/Closet tests available on EnglishKendra, have been prepared from  recent articles of newspapers(The Hindu, The Indian...

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