Part 5 of the compilation of most important VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) for BANKING (SBI IBPS, RBI) exams - PREPARE ENGLISH FOR SSC BANK AND OTHER EXAMS:ENGLISHKENDRA

💠Part 5 of the compilation of most important  VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence)  for BANKING (SBI  IBPS, RBI) exams

⚫Jovial ( adj)

Meaning-   merry, happy

आनंदित, प्रसन्न 

Jovial    Synonyms -  joyful,  cheerful,  mirthful,  jocund 

 Jovial  Antonyms -  depressed,  miserable,  doleful,  unhappy 

🔹Use jovial in a sentence 

Example-  Rohan is a much sought after person because of his jovial nature. 

⚫Jinx (n)

Meaning-   that brings bad luck

Jinx   Synonyms -  curse, misfortune,  malediction, damn

Jinx   Antonyms -  good luck,  charm,  benefit,  boon

🔹Use jinx in a sentence 

Example-  Superstitious  persons  consider number thirteen a jinx.

⚫Jaded ( adj)

Meaning-   tired, exhausted

थका हुआ,  मुरझाया हुआ 

Jaded Synonyms -  fatigued,  weary,  bored,  dulled

Jaded   Antonyms -  fresh,  energetic,  electrified,  innocent 

🔹Use jaded in a sentence 

Example-  Sridhar felt jaded after his return from journey. 

⚫Jargon (n)

Meaning-   language difficult to understand

तकिया कलाम,  विशिष्ट शब्दावली

Jargon   Synonyms -  jabber, nonsense,  terminology,  slang 

Jargon   Antonyms -  formal, eloquence,  sense,  rhetoric 

🔹Use jargon in a sentence 

Example- It is difficult to understand the jargon of tribal people. 

⚫Jumble (n)

Meaning-    mixed up

घालमेल,  अव्यवस्था 

Jumble   Synonyms -  mess, muddle,  confusion,  chaos 

Jumble   Antonyms -  arrange, order, organize,  adjust 

🔹Use jumble in a sentence 

Example-  Ritu tried to put in order everything lying jumbled. 

⚫Jot (v)

Meaning-   write hurriedly

जल्दी से लिखना 

Jot   Synonyms -  speck, hint, modicum,  shred

 Jot  Antonyms -  deal, abundance,  mass, quantity 

🔹Use jot in a sentence 

Example-  The journalists were jotting down the speech of the Prime Minister in haste. 

⚫Junk (n)

Meaning-   discarded things.

कूड़ा करकट,  बेकार वस्तु 

Junk  Synonyms -  garbage,  waste,  dump  rubbish 

Junk   Antonyms -  catch,  find, husband,  develop 

🔹Use junk in a sentence 

Example-  He is a junk dealer. 

⚫Judicious (adj)

Meaning-    wise


Judicious   Synonyms -  prudent,  sensible,  sagacious,  intelligent 

Judicious   Antonyms -  foolish,  silly,  insane,  injudicious 

🔹Use judicious in a sentence 

Example-  Ravikant has been successful in life because of his judicious planning in business. 

⚫Jubilant ( adj)

Meaning-   happy

हर्षित,  प्रफुल्लित 

 Jubilant  Synonyms -  joyful,  pleased,  glad, delightful 

Jubilant   Antonyms -  depressed,  unhappy,  sorrowful,  sad

🔹Use jubilant in a sentence 

Example-  The crowd was jubilant when Indian team achieved facile victory over English Team.

⚫Jolt (v)

Meaning-  give a jerk

हिला देना,  झटका खाना

Jolt   Synonyms -  shock, surprise,  jounce, agitate 

Jolt   Antonyms -  soothe,  unflustered, calm,  serene 

🔹Use jolt in a sentence 

Example-  All his hopes were jolted when his son could not qualify the competition.

⚫Juvenile ( adj)

Meaning-   of young person

तरूण संबंधी, जवानी

Juvenile   Synonyms -  adolescent,  youth,  immature,  younger 

Juvenile   Antonyms -  mature,  adult,  clever,  old

🔹Use juvenile in a sentence 

Example-  Juvenile delinquency is on the  increase. 

⚫Jiffy (n)

Meaning-   few moments


Jiffy  Synonyms -  flash,  instant,  blink of an eye,  twinkling 

Jiffy   Antonyms -  blue moon,  eternity,  long, colossal 

🔹Use jiffy in a sentence 

Example-  He completed the work in a  jiffy. 

⚫Jeer (v)

Meaning-   jest, mock

चिढ़ाना,  मज़ाक उड़ाना

Jeer   Synonyms -  taunt,  mock, gibe, insult 

Jeer   Antonyms -  admire, cheer,  applause,  praise 

🔹Use jeer in a sentence 

Example-  We should not jeer at the shortcomings of our friends. 

⚫Jaunt (n)

Meaning-   short journey for pleasure


Jaunt   Synonyms -  trip, tour,  excursion,  voyage 

Jaunt   Antonyms -  stay, pilgrimage,  abide, scurry

🔹Use jaunt in a sentence 

Example-  Reena is on a jaunt with her friends. 

⚫Jejune ( adj)

Meaning-   dull, boring

भोंदू,  बहुत सीधा 

Jejune   Synonyms -  insipid,  vapid,  barren,  banal 

Jejune   Antonyms -  interesting,  exciting,  fun, fascinating 

 🔹Use jejune in a sentence 

Example-  He  left for Mumbai because he got tired of jejune life in his home town. 

⚫Jingoism (n)

Meaning-   blind patriotism

कट्टर राष्ट्रवाद 

Jingoism   Synonyms -  fascism,  nationalism,  segregation,  stagnation 

 Jingoism  Antonyms -  melting point,  integration 

🔹Use jingoism in a sentence 

Example-  The jingoism of the Germans resulted in the Second World War. 

⚫Juncture (n)

Meaning-   critical moment

मोड़, समय/परिस्थिति

Juncture   Synonyms -  crisis,  articulation,  emergency,  crossroads 

Juncture   Antonyms -  partition,  split,  separation,  Break 

🔹Use juncture in a sentence 

Example-  At this juncture of life you must be wary of strangers. 

⚫Jeopardy (n)

Meaning -   danger

जोखिम,  खतरा

Jeopardy   Synonyms -  hazard,  risk, danger,  exposure 

Jeopardy   Antonyms -  safety,  security,  safeness, protection 

🔹Use jeopardy in a sentence 

Example-  His  reputation as a doctor is in jeopardy because of his unethical practice.

⚫Jocund ( adj)

Meaning-   cheerful,  merry


Jocund   Synonyms -  jolly,  merry, jovial,  gleeful 

Jocund   Antonyms -  sad, crestfallen,  depressed,  cheerless 

🔹Use jocund in a sentence 

Example-  In spite of reeling under heavy debt, Mr. Micawber was a  jocund character. 

⚫Knell (n)

Meaning-   death knell,  last blow

Knell   Synonyms -  chime, peal, dirge,  jangle 

Use knell in a sentence 

Example-  The Second World War  proved to be a knell for British imperialism. 

⚫Kiln (n)

Meaning-  brick furnace

Kiln   Synonyms -  oven, stove,  microwave,  dryer 

 Kiln  Antonyms -  ice box

Use kiln in a sentence 

Example-  Rakesh is running a brick kiln these days. 

⚫Kickback (n)

Meaning-   bribe

Kickback   Synonyms -  bribery, graft,  rebounding,  hush money 

Kickback   Antonyms -  extra charge,  additional costs,  extra expenses,  total income 

Use kickback in a sentence 

Example-  Shyam was charged with taking kickback.

⚫Kindred (adj)

Meaning-   having common features

Kindred   Synonyms -  related,  kin, cognate,  similar 

 Kindred  Antonyms -  unrelated,  irrelevant, antipodal, diverse 

🔹Use kindred in a sentence 

Example-  Most of the European languages are kindred because they have a common source. 

⚫Knack (n)

Meaning-   cleverness,  art

Knack   Synonyms -  talent,  ability,  skill, aptitude 

Knack   Antonyms -  inability,  incapacity,  inadequacy,  fragility 

🔹Use knack in a sentence 

Example-  Politicians know the knack of putting the people off.

⚫Kleptomania (n)

Meaning-   obsession to steal

 Kleptomania  Synonyms -  dipsomania, desire,  fury, mania 

🔹Use kleptomania in a sentence 

Example-  kleptomania is a psychological urge to steal.

⚫Kinetic ( adj)

Meaning-   motion

Kinetic   Synonyms -  dynamic,  active,  energetic,  lively 

 Kinetic  Antonyms -  lethargic,  non-moving, inactive,  dull

🔹Use kinetic in a sentence 

Example-  The dust particles in air are in kinetic motion. 

⚫Knave (n)

Meaning-   dishonest person

Knave   Synonyms -  scoundrel,  villain,  rascal, blackguard

 Knave  Antonyms -  hygiene,  exonerate,  hero, reliable person 

🔹Use knave in a sentence 

Example-  Don't believe him because he is a knave and scoundrel. 

⚫Knotty ( adj)

Meaning-   complicated

Knotty   Synonyms -  complex,  difficult,  hard, tricky 

Knotty   Antonyms -  royal, facile,  simple,  straight 

🔹Use knotty in a sentence 

Example-  Since independence,  India has not been able to solve a single knotty problem facing the country. 

⚫Kindle (v)

Meaning-   arouse feeling

Kindle   Synonyms -  ignite,  inflame,  provoke,  stimulate 

Kindle   Antonyms -  extinguish,  dampen,  calm, discourage 

🔹Use kindle in a sentence 

Example-  The timely arrival of my friend  kindled in me a hope of getting proper medical treatment. 

⚫Kiosk (n)

Meaning-   small booth

Kiosk   Synonyms -  stall, pavilion,  cubicle,  box

Kiosk   Antonyms -  mansion,  supermarket,  hige store 

🔹Use kiosk in a sentence 

Example-   Raman is running his business in a kiosk because he can't afford a shop right now. 

⚫Kernel (n)

Meaning-   inner part of fruit

Kernel   Synonyms -  marrow,  pith, core,  essence 

Kernel   Antonyms -  exterior,   boundary,  coating,  distract 

🔹Use kernel in a sentence 

Example-  The kernel of the fruit is always tasty. 

⚫Keepsake (n)

Meaning-   memento,  reminder

Keepsake   Synonyms -  remembrance,  memorial,  token, trophy

🔹Use Keepsake in a sentence 

Example-  Sheetal gave him a ring as a  keepsake. 

⚫Longevity (n)

Meaning-  length 

Longevity   Synonyms -  durability,  long life,  endurance,  lifespan 

Longevity   Antonyms -  shortness,  youthful,  transience,  youngness

Use longevity in a sentence 

Example-  My mother prayed for my longevity when I fell ill.

⚫Lieu (n)

Meaning-   instead of

Lieu  Synonyms -   substitute,  stead, in place of

 Lieu  Antonyms -  swarm,  topple 

Use lieu in a sentence 

Example-  I shall give you money in lieu of the lost book. 

⚫Lavish ( adj)

Meaning-   liberal,  wasteful

Lavish   Synonyms -   prodigal,  extravagant,  generous,  luxuriant 

Lavish   Antonyms -  mean, frugal,  cheap,  meager

Use lavish in a sentence 

Example-  He came to a grief because of his lavish spending habits. 

⚫Lucid ( adj)

Meaning-   easily understood

Lucid   Synonyms -   clear,  plain,  transparent,  obvious 

 Lucid  Antonyms -  unclear,  ambiguous,  murky,  gloomy 

Use lucid in a sentence 

Example-  He gave a lucid lecture on the causes of inflation. 

⚫Ludicrous ( adj)

Meaning-   laughable,  ridiculous

 Ludicrous  Synonyms -   absurd,  silly,  stupid,  crazy 

Ludicrous   Antonyms -  logical,  clever,  sensible,  prudent 

Use ludicrous in a sentence 

Example-  Everybody condemned her ludicrous remarks against her friends. 

⚫Levity (n)

Meaning-   light heartedness

Levity   Synonyms -   lightness,  flippancy,  mirth, jocularity

Levity   Antonyms -  seriousness,  depression,  heaviness,  solemnity 

Use levity in a sentence 

Example-  His staff always treats his orders with levity. 

⚫Languor (n)

Meaning-   lassitude,  depression

Languor  Synonyms -   laziness,  weakness,  inertia, dullness 

Languor   Antonyms -  enthusiasm,  alacrity,  wellness,  ambition 

Use languor in a sentence 

Example-  On summer afternoons,  we generally feel languor. 

⚫Laconic ( adj)

Meaning-   brief

Laconic  Synonyms -   compact,  concise,  summary,  pithy 

Laconic   Antonyms -  verbose,  garrulous,  chatty,  talkative 

Use laconic in a sentence 

Example-  Though her speech was laconic,  yet it was lucid. 

⚫Loathe (v)

Meaning-   detest,  hate

Loathe   Synonyms -   abhor, detest,  dislike,  hated

Loathe   Antonyms -  admire, cherish,  adore,  favor

Use loathe in a sentence 

Example-  He always loathes dishonest means. 

⚫Lair (n)

Meaning-   den, resting place

Lair   Synonyms -   hiding place,  cave, hole, burrow 

Lair   Antonyms -  homeless,  mansion,  dare, evict

Use lair in a sentence 

Example-  The tiger was in the lair when hunter arrived. 

⚫Lascivious ( adj)

Meaning-   lustful

Lascivious   Synonyms -   lewd, licentious, salacious,  sensual 

Lascivious   Antonyms -  chaste,  decent,  innocent,  pure

Use lascivious in a sentence 

Example-  The market is flooded with lascivious books. 

⚫Menace (n)

Meaning-  danger,  threat

 Menace  Synonyms -  risk,  endanger,  hazard,  threatening 

Menace   Antonyms -  defense,  guard,  soothe,  assist 

Use menace in a sentence

Example-  Terrorism is a potential menace to the integrity of the country. 

⚫Mascot (n)

Meaning-   object likely to be lucky

 Mascot  Synonyms -  talisman,  lucky charm, amulet 

Mascot   Antonyms -  bad omen, hex

Use mascot in a sentence

Example-  Appu was the mascot of the Asian Games  held in India in 1982.

⚫Magnate (n)

Meaning-   person of prominence.

Magnate   Synonyms -  king,  power,  aristocrat,  celebrity 

Magnate   Antonyms -  nonentity, backstreet,  poor,  loser

Use magnate in a sentence

Example-  Jamshedji Tata was the steel magnate of India. 


Meaning-   speak evil of, defame

Malign   Synonyms -  slander,  disparage,  malicious,  vicious 

Malign   Antonyms -  benevolent,  kind,  praise, salubrious 

Use malign in a sentence

Example-  We malign others because we are  jealous of them. 

⚫Menial ( adj)

Meaning-   suitable for servants,  servile

Menial   Synonyms -  lowly,  slave, subservient,  fawning 

Menial   Antonyms -  superior,  arrogant,  dignified,  majestic 

Use menial in a sentence

Example-  Many men consider women suitable only for menial jobs. 

⚫Manipulate (v)

Meaning-   manage with skill

Manipulate   Synonyms -  handle,  control,  influence,  direct 

Manipulate   Antonyms -  suppress,  abandon,  vindicate,  leave alone 

Use manipulate in a sentence

Example-  Many persons are expert in manipulating excuses for their failure in life. 

⚫Manifesto (n)

Meaning-   declaration of policy

Manifesto   Synonyms -  proclamation, notice,  bayan, affirmation 

Manifesto   Antonyms -  secret 

Use manifesto in a sentence

Example-  Most of the political parties are unable to fulfil the promises made in their election manifestos. 

⚫Morose ( adj)

Meaning-   sullen, gloomy

 Morose  Synonyms -  sad, melancholy,  depressed,  mournful 

Morose   Antonyms -  cheerful,  happy,  optimistic,  bright 

Use morose in a sentence

Example-  After his failure in the exams, Ramesh is often morose and depressed. 

⚫Mitigate (v)

Meaning-  lessen,  ease

Mitigate   Synonyms -  reduce,  minimize,  diminish, soften 

Mitigate   Antonyms -  intensify,  incite,  agitate,  extend 

Use mitigate in a sentence

Example- It is the duty of every person to mitigate the sufferings of humanity. 

⚫Malicious  (adj)

Meaning-   full of malice

Malicious   Synonyms -  spiteful,  vicious,  malignant,  vindictive 

 Malicious  Antonyms -  kind, benevolent,  humane,  loving 

Use malicious in a sentence

Example-  Rahul is malicious in by nature and always tries to belittle the efforts of his friends. 

⚫Miscreant (n)

Meaning-   rowdy element

 Miscreant   Synonyms -  malefactor, rascal,  blackguard, scoundrel 

Miscreant   Antonyms -  superhero,  patriot,  moral,  lawman 

Use Miscreant in a sentence

Example-  He was kind to the miscreants even though he suffered at their hands. 

⚫Mundane (adj)

Meaning-   worldly,  dull

Mundane   Synonyms -  ordinary,  earthly,  routine,  normal 

Mundane   Antonyms -  extraordinary,  heavenly,  odd, spiritual 

Use mundane in a sentence

Example-  Wordly people are often concerned with mundane matters. 

⚫Melee (n)

Meaning-   confused struggle,  stampede

Melee   Synonyms -  brawl, fracas,  fight,  scrimmage 

Melee  Antonyms -  compromise,  armistice,  accord, peace 

Use melee in a sentence

Example-  In the Kumbh Fair many pilgrims were injured in the melee.

⚫Mollify (v)

Meaning-  appease

Mollify   Synonyms -  pacify,  assuage,  soften,  lessen 
Mollify   Antonyms -  provoke,  enrage,  agitate,  harass 

Use mollify in a sentence

Example-  After exchange of hot words the shop-keeper  tried to mollify the customer. 

⚫Martinet (n)

Meaning-   strict disciplinarian

Martinet   Synonyms -  autocrat, hard master,  enforcer,  dictator 

Martinet  Antonyms -  softy, cool, unconcerned bitch

Use martinet in a sentence

Example-  Our Principal is a martinet who expects everybody to carry out his orders. 

⚫Mincing ( adj)

Meaning-   affected manner,  pretentious

 Mincing  Synonyms -  dainty,  artificial,  affected,  delicate 

Mincing   Antonyms -  unrefined, insipid 

Use mincing in a sentence

Example-  Sikha was walking with mincing steps and appeared ridiculous. 

⚫Mettle (n)

Meaning-   courage, spirit

Mettle   Synonyms -  bravery,  guts,  daring,  boldness 

 Mettle  Antonyms -  cowardice,  timidity,  apathy,  fear

Use mettle in a sentence

Example-  During fight he showed mettle in the teeth of strong opposition. 

⚫Malinger ( v)

Meaning-   pretend to be ill

Malinger   Synonyms -  fake, dissemble,  slack, feign 

Malinger   Antonyms -  labour,  have work,  work better,  complete task 

Use malinger in a sentence

Example-  Whenever he is asked to work,  he always malingers and shirks work. 

⚫Malignant ( adj)

Meaning-   malicious

Malignant   Synonyms -  harmful,  malevolent,  spiteful,  pernicious 

 Malignant  Antonyms -  kind,  humane,  affable,  amiable 

Use malignant in a sentence

Example-  AIDS is a malignant and incurable disease. 

⚫Macabre (adj)

Meaning-   gruesome,  grisly

Macabre   Synonyms -  ghastly,  scary,  terrible,  awful 

Macabre   Antonyms -  enjoyable,  pleasant,  attractive,  delightful,  

Use macabre in a sentence

Example-  This novel deals with macabre sight of carnage. 

⚫Malevolent ( adj)

Meaning-   wishing evil, spiteful

 Malevolent  Synonyms -  malicious,  malignant,  hateful,  cruel

Malevolent   Antonyms -  charitable,  kind,  amiable,  harmless 

Use malevolent in a sentence

Example-  Both China and Pakistan nurse malevolent designs against India. 

⚫Mediocre ( adj)

Meaning-   ordinary,  commonplace

 Mediocre  Synonyms -  average,  indifferent,  inferior,  medium 
Mediocre   Antonyms -  royal,  extraordinary,  superior,  great 

Use mediocre in a sentence

Example-  Even mediocre students are known to have made a mark in life. 

⚫Meticulous ( adj)

Meaning-   over attentive

Meticulous   Synonyms -  careful,  punctilious,  fastidious,  precise 

Meticulous   Antonyms -  Careless,  lazy,  messy,  rough 

Use meticulous in a sentence

Example-  One must be meticulous in conduct while dealing with strangers. 

⚫Mishap (n)

Meaning-   accident

Mishap   Synonyms -  misfortune,  disaster,  calamity, catastrophe 

Mishap   Antonyms -  luck,  fortune,  good luck,  opportunity 

Use mishap in a sentence

Example-  This mishap could have been averted if you had been just careful. 

⚫Manifold ( adj)

Meaning-   numerous,  varied

Manifold   Synonyms -  diverse,  assorted,  multiple,  various 

Manifold   Antonyms -  unique,  single,  monolithic,  simple 

Use manifold in a sentence

Example-  There are manifold advantages of discipline in schools and colleges. 

⚫Moot ( adj)

Meaning-   debatable

Moot   Synonyms -  disputable,  questionable,  arguable,  controversial 

Moot   Antonyms -  certain,  definite, decided,  indisputable 

Use moot in a sentence

Example-  Whether reservation for women is justified or not is a moot question. 

⚫Monotony (n)

Meaning-   dullness,  boredom

Monotony   Synonyms -  sameness,  humdrum,  continuity,  simplicity 

Monotony   Antonyms -  variety,  change,  excitement,  fascination 

Use monotony in a sentence

Example-  Anonymous life in the urban areas generate monotony for the residents. 

⚫Meddlesome ( adj)

Meaning-   interfering

Meddlesome   Synonyms -  intrusive,  curious,  impertinent,  nosy

Meddlesome   Antonyms -  quiet, silent,  taciturn, ignorant 

Use meddlesome in a sentence

Example-  Many Marriages are ruined because of meddlesome mothers-in-law.

⚫Militate (v)

Meaning-   work against

  Militate  Synonyms -  campaign,  advocate,  arguments,  oppose

Militate   Antonyms -  boost morale,  bury the hatchet,  kiss and make up

Use militate in a sentence

Example-  The policy of appeasing everybody in life militates against one's own interests. 

⚫Memento (n)

Meaning-   token, reminder,  keepsake

Memento   Synonyms -  remembrance,  memorial,  trophy,  monument 

Use memento in a sentence

Example-  Ramesh gave her a ring as a memento on her birthday. 
Part 5 of the compilation of most important VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) for BANKING (SBI IBPS, RBI) exams Part 5 of the compilation of most important  VOCABULARY (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence)  for BANKING (SBI  IBPS, RBI) exams Reviewed by Admin on December 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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Note  :- The cloze/Closet tests available on EnglishKendra, have been prepared from  recent articles of newspapers(The Hindu, The Indian...

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