Part 2 of the compilation of most important vocabulary for SSC exams (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) - PREPARE ENGLISH FOR SSC BANK AND OTHER EXAMS:ENGLISHKENDRA
Part 2 of the compilation of most important vocabulary for SSC exams (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) 

💯Click here for the compilation of 20 frequently asked GRAMMAR RULES/error detection rules in BANK exams. 

💯Click here for the compilation of frequently asked GRAMMAR RULES/error detection rules in SSC exams

🔘As we all know how important role "vocabs"  play when it comes to SSC (CGL, CPO, CHSL)  exams. Memorizing and retaining them in our mind is still a challenge.To fix this, has come up with an idea of providing relatable and awesome examples that will stick to your mind as soon as you read it."EnglishKendra team"  is dedicated to provide you "the best study materials for English" for SSC, BANK, RAILWAY exams, prepared by the experts. Do check out other posts as well.  

💯Click here for the compilation of ALL  ANTONYMS asked in SSC Exams

💯Click here for the compilation of VOCABS asked in BANK EXAMS 

🔷Part 2 of the compilation of most important vocabulary for SSC exams (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) 

💯Click here for the PART 1
💯Click here for the PART 3

⚫Capricious (adj)

Meaning-   fickle,  unstable,  faithless

मनमौजी, सनकी 

 Capricious  Synonyms -  inconstant,  variable, volatile 
 Capricious  Antonyms -  stable,  consistent 

🔹Use Capricious in a sentence 

Example-  Capricious person change their mind frequently without any reason. 

⚫Clemency (n)

Meaning-   leniency,  mildness,  kindness

दयाशीलता,  राजदया

 Clemency  Synonyms -  mercy, gentleness,  humanity 

 Clemency   Antonyms -  cruelty,  no mercy,  meanness 

🔹Use Clemency in a sentence 

Example-  A judge should never dispense with clemency while dealing with criminals. 

⚫Chaste (adj)

Meaning-   pure, virtuous

पवित्रता,  शालीन 

Chaste  Synonyms -  celibate,  platonic,  moral 

 Chaste  Antonyms -  corrupt,  unchaste, dirty 

🔹Use Chaste in a sentence 

Example- Radhika is known for her chaste character. 

⚫Cogent (adj)

Meaning-   convincing,  forceful


 Cogent  Synonyms -  compelling,  weighty, persuasive 

 Cogent  Antonyms -  ineffective,  invalid,  unimportant 

🔹Use Cogent in a sentence 

Example-  Shyam could not offer any cogent reasons for his absence. 

⚫Collusion (n)

Meaning-   conspiracy,  nexus

साठगांठ,  मिलीभगत 

Collusion  Synonyms -  scam, deceit,  plot 

 Collusion   Antonyms -  honesty 

🔹Use Collusion in a sentence 

Example-  The local M.P. was found in collusion with the smugglers operating in the town.

⚫Condone (v)

Meaning-   overlook,  forgive

माफ़ करना,  ध्यान न देना 

  Condone Synonyms -  ignore,  pardon,  excuse 

Condone  Antonyms -  deny,  attend,  forbid 

🔹Use Condone in a sentence 

Example-  Rahul's fault is too serious to be condoned. 

⚫Corroborate (v)

Meaning-   confirm
पुष्टि करना

 Corroborate  Synonyms -  justify,  authenticate,  verify 

Corroborate   Antonyms -  disprove,  deny,  contradict 

🔹Use Corroborate in a sentence 

Example-  I am speaking the truth and my father is sure to corroborate my statement. 

⚫Crestfallen (adj)

Meaning-   dejected

हताश,  हतोत्साह

Crestfallen   Synonyms -  disappointed,  despondent,  discouraged 

Crestfallen   Antonyms -  cheerful,  encouraged,  excited 

🔹Use Crestfallen in a sentence 

Example-  On account of heavy loss in business, he is crestfallen these days. 


Meaning-   interpret

आशय बतलाना,  अर्थ लगाना, 

 Construe  Synonyms -  translate,  analyze,  define 

 Construe  Antonyms -  confuse,  obscure,  cloud 

🔹Use Construe in a sentence 

Example-  It is difficult to construe the working of laws of Nature. 

⚫Cryptic (adj)

Meaning-   mysterious,  hidden

गुप्त,  रहस्यमय 

Cryptic   Synonyms -  ambiguous,  strange,  abstruse 

Cryptic   Antonyms -  clear, certain,  obvious 

🔹Use Cryptic in a sentence 

Example-  Sneha was never forthcoming in her replies which were holly cryptic. 

⚫Commensurate (adj)

Meaning-   equal in proportion

आनुपातिक,  बराबर करना 

Commensurate Synonyms -  consistent,  sufficient,  appropriate 

 Commensurate  Antonyms -  unsuitable,  inadequate,  inappropriate 

🔹Use Commensurate in a sentence 

Example-  The income of Indian farmer is hardly commensurate with the labour he has to do.

⚫Commodious (adj)

Meaning-   spacious,  comfortable


 Commodious  Synonyms -  convenient,  capacious,  wide

Commodious  Antonyms -  uncomfortable,  inconvenient,  confined 

🔹Use Commodious in a sentence 

Example-  Rohan has built a commodious house because his sister is likely to live with him. 

⚫Capitulate (v)

Meaning-   surrender

आत्मसमर्पण करना,  झुकना 

 Capitulate   Synonyms -  cave in, concede, bow

  Capitulate Antonyms -  fight,  defend,  conquer 

🔹Use Capitulate in a sentence 

Example-  After long encounter the militants had to capitulate. 

⚫Compunction (n)

Meaning-   feeling of regret,  remorse

खेद, आत्मग्लानी 

 Compunction  Synonyms -  pity, shame,  attrition 

Compunction  Antonyms -  defiance,  happiness,  disdain 

🔹Use Compunction in a sentence 

Example-  Even the hard core criminals felt compunction at the injustice they had done to the family of their rivals. 

⚫Callow (n)

Meaning-   inexperienced


  Callow Synonyms - naive, inexperienced, immature, young

 Callow  Antonyms - experienced, well-versed, multi-skilled, good

🔹Use Callow in a sentence 

Example- Though Ramu is a callow now, he will gain experience by and by. 

⚫Chagrin (n)

Meaning-   Annoyance,  disappointment

क्लेश, संताप,  तीव्र निराशा 

 Chagrin   Synonyms -  shame, embarrass, humiliate, mortify

 Chagrin   Antonyms -  delight, pleasure, satisfaction, gladness

🔹Use Chagrin in a sentence 

Example- The defeat of our team filled us with chagrin. 

⚫Censure (n)

Meaning-   blame,  criticise

निन्दा,  अवक्षेप

 Censure  Synonyms -  rebuke, reprimand, criticism, condemn 

Censure  Antonyms -  praise, approval, compliment , permit

🔹Use Censure in a sentence 

Example-  Censure motion in the Parliament could not be tabled for want of quorum.

⚫Calibre (n)

Meaning-   capacity,  talent

क्षमता,  मानसिक शक्ति 

Calibre   Synonyms -  quality, essence, tendency, gauge

Calibre   Antonyms -  triviality, defectiveness, eminence, superiority 

🔹Use Calibre in a sentence 

Example-  His calibre for doing work in a meticulous manner is always appreciated. 

⚫Cede (v)

Meaning-   transfer title (land)

हथियार डाल देना,  सौंप देना 

Cede Synonyms -  yield, surrender, abandon, give up

 Cede  Antonyms -  defend, fight  withhold, retain

🔹Use Cede in a sentence 

Example-  India should never cede an inch of land to any foreign country. 

⚫Clandestine (adj)

Meaning-   secret

गुप्त,  छिपा हुआ 

Clandestine   Synonyms -  covert, surreptitious, hidden, undercover

 Clandestine  Antonyms -  public, manifest, open, obvious 

🔹Use Clandestine in a sentence 

Example-  Clandestine activities of the smugglers are well-known to the police. 

⚫Covert (adj)

Meaning-   hidden,  implied


 Covert   Synonyms -  secret, concealed, clandestine, private, 

 Covert   Antonyms -  public, visible, barefaced

🔹Use Covert in a sentence 

Example-  The  covert warning Sahil gave to me opened my eyes to the reality of the situation. 

⚫Chastise (v)

Meaning-   punish

दण्ड देना 

 Chastise   Synonyms -  scold, correct, chide, rebuke 

Chastise   Antonyms -  pardon, excuse, praise, encourage

🔹Use Chastise in a sentence 

Example-  Shila was chastised for her unruly behavior in the presence of the guests. 

⚫Connivance (n)

Meaning-  pretence of ignorance,  overlook


Connivance   Synonyms -  conspiracy, plot, cabal, collusion 

 Connivance   Antonyms -  intolerance, deprecation, secret

🔹Use Connivance in a sentence 

Example-  Criminals have been carrying on their nefarious activities with the connivance of the police. 

⚫Contraband (adj)

Meaning-   illegal goods

वर्जित माल 

 Contraband   Synonyms -  banned, smuggling,  unlawful, prohibited 

Contraband   Antonyms -  legal, permitted, authorised

🔹Use Contraband in a sentence 

Example-  Customs Department has not been able to stop traffic of contraband goods.

⚫Countermand (v)

Meaning-   cancel,  revoke

रद्द करना

 Countermand   Synonyms -  repeal, rescind, reverse, overturn

Countermand  Antonyms -  allow, command, permit

🔹Use Countermand in a sentence 

Example-  The  Election Commission has countermanded the election of the M.L.A. for over spending in elections. 

⚫Compliant (adj)

Meaning-   docile,  flexible

आज्ञाकारी,  सम्मत 

 Compliant  Synonyms -  pliant,  docile, manageable,  responsive 

 Compliant  Antonyms -  adamant,  stubborn,  defiant,  proud

🔹Use Compliant in a sentence 

Example- Ram is admired for his compliant nature. 

⚫Cliche (n)

Meaning-   stereotyped phrase

चलन से बाहर हुआ मुहावरा 

 Cliche  Synonyms -  platitude,  banality,  phrase,  hackneyed 

 Cliche  Antonyms -  neologism,  plot twist 

🔹Use Cliche in a sentence 

Example-  I never listen to the speeches of the leaders because they are always full of cliches. 

⚫Condign (adj)

Meaning-   adequate, rigorous

Condign  Synonyms -  appropriate,  fitting ,  proper,  deserved 

Condign  Antonyms -  undeserved ,  inapposite, unmerited 

🔹Use Condign in a sentence 

Example-  No punishment,  whatsoever is condign for a rapist.

⚫Congregation (n)

Meaning-   religious gathering

मण्डली,  धार्मिक सभा 

 Congregation   Synonyms -  gathering ,  assembly, crowd , company 

Congregation  Antonyms -  diffused,  separation,  few

🔹Use Congregation in a sentence 

Example-  The militants did not hesitate in throwing bombs at the congregation gathered in the religious place. 

⚫Chary (adj)

Meaning-   cautious,  watchful, wary


Chary   Synonyms -  careful ,  shy, prudent ,  frugal

Chary   Antonyms -  Careless,  desirous,  incautious, 

🔹Use Chary in a sentence 

Example-  We should be always chary of the strangers. 

⚫Coerce (v)

Meaning- force, repress

मजबूर करना,  जबरदस्ती करना 

  Coerce Synonyms -  compel, oblige,  push, pressure 

   Coerce Antonyms -  allow ,  permit,  agree

🔹Use Coerce in a sentence 

Example- Renu was coerced by her husband into bringing money from her parents. 

⚫Confound  (v)

Meaning-   confuse

गलत साबित करना,  हक्का-बक्का करना 

  Confound  Synonyms -  puzzle,  perplex,  nonplus,  mix up

Confound   Antonyms -  clarify,  explain,  interpret 

🔹Use Confound in a sentence 

Example-  On seeing the ghastly sight of murder,  everyone was confounded. 

⚫Cavil (v)

Meaning-   find fault

नुक्स  निकालना

 Cavil   Synonyms -  criticize,  complain,  carp, evade

  Cavil Antonyms -  receive,  accept,  agree

🔹Use cavil in a sentence 

Example-  Please don't cavil about unimportant matters. 

⚫Castigate  (v)

Meaning-   punish


Castigate   Synonyms -  chastise, reprimand,  scold, rebuke 

 Castigate   Antonyms -  praise, loud, compliment 

🔹Use castigate in a sentence 

Example-  The  thief was castigated by the police. 

⚫Dauntless (adj)

Meaning-   bold,  brave

निडर, निर्भीक 

 Dauntless   Synonyms -  courageous,  fearless,  daring,  heroic 

Dauntless   Antonyms -  coward,  shy, fearful 

🔹Use dauntless in a sentence 

Example-  Shivaji was a  dauntless warrior. 

⚫Daunt (v)

Meaning-   intimidate

धमकाना,  उत्साहहीन करना 

Daunt  Synonyms -  discourage,  scare, dishearten, terrify 

 Daunt  Antonyms -  encourage,  embolden ,  stimulate 

🔹Use daunt in a sentence 

Example-  One should never be daunted by difficulties in life. 

⚫Decry (v)

Meaning-   disparage


Decry   Synonyms -  depreciate,  belittle,  condemn,  denounce 

 Decry   Antonyms -  applaud,  exalt,  praise 

🔹Use decry in a sentence 

Example-  you can't gain anything by decrying the success of your rivals. 

⚫Devoid (adj)

Meaning-   lacking


Devoid Synonyms -  barrel,  vacant,  without,  destitute 

 Devoid  Antonyms -  full, abounding, filled 

🔹Use devoid in a sentence 

Example-  Sunita cannot trust him because he is devoid of sense of right and wrong. 

⚫Dearth (n)

Meaning-   scarcity
कमी, अकाल 

  Dearth Synonyms -  lack, paucity,  shortage,  deficiency 

 Dearth  Antonyms -  abundance,  surplus, adequacy 

🔹Use dearth in a sentence 

Example-  There is no dearth of talent in India but it has  remained unexploited. 

⚫Deference (n)

Meaning-   regards for another's wish.

Deference   Synonyms -  veneration,  homage,  honor, respect 

Deference  Antonyms -  disregard,  contempt,  defiance 

🔹Use deference in a sentence 

Example-  We are advised to  act in deference to  the wishes of  our parents. 

⚫Dubious (adj)

Meaning-   not certain,  doubtful,  suspicious

संदिग्ध, संदेहास्पद 

Dubious  Synonyms -  questionable,  suspicious,  shady, suspect 

  Dubious Antonyms -  certain ,  sure,  clear 

🔹Use dubious in a sentence 

Example-  Sohan is dubious about the scheme made by his friends. 

⚫Deleterious (adj)

Meaning-   harmful


Deleterious Synonyms -  injurious, detrimental,  damaging,  destructive 

  Deleterious  Antonyms - beneficial,  advantageous,  helpful 

🔹Use deleterious in a sentence 

Example-  We should always beware of the deleterious effect of overeating. 

⚫Deterrent (n)

Meaning-   discouraging

डराकर रोकने वाला,  निवारक

 Deterrent  Synonyms -  hindrance,  obstacle,  obstruction,  dissuading 

   Deterrent Antonyms -  encouragement,  help, stimulus 

🔹Use deterrent in a sentence 

Example-  India must possess nuclear weapons so that they may act as deterrent for her hostile neighbours. 

⚫Dilapidation (n)

Meaning-   state of ruins

जीर्णता,  बर्बादी की अवस्था 

Dilapidation  Synonyms -  decay, disrepair,  erosion,  deterioration 

Dilapidation Antonyms -  increase,  repair,  achievement 

🔹Use dilapidation in a sentence 

Example-  Ancient monuments in our town are in the state of dilapidation. 

⚫Disdain (v)

Meaning-   treat with scorn

अवहेलना करना,  नफरत

 Disdain  Synonyms -  contempt,  despise,  reject ,  disregard 

Disdain Antonyms -  respect,  praise,  admiration 

🔹Use disdain in a sentence 

Example-  Shyam always disdains what he considers dishonest. 

⚫Dire (adj)

Meaning-  disastrous

भीषण,  बेकार 

  Dire Synonyms -  dreadful,  awful, severe, terrible 

 Dire   Antonyms -  fortunate,  lucky,  propitious 

🔹Use dire in a sentence 

Example-  In the interest of National Security,  we must not be intimidated by the dire consequences of economic sanctions. 

⚫Dissipate (v)

Meaning-   squander, waste

अपव्यय करना,  उड़ा देना 

 Dissipate  Synonyms -  disperse,  dispel, consume,  scatter 

 Dissipate   Antonyms -  gather,  hoard,  collect 

🔹Use dissipate in a sentence 

Example-  India cannot afford to dissipate the forest resources. 

⚫Devout (adj)

Meaning-   religious, pious

धार्मिक,  पवित्र 

Devout   Synonyms -  devoted ,  godly,  holy, faithful 

Devout   Antonyms -  hypocritical,  irreligious,  sinful

🔹Use devout in a sentence 

Example-  My mother is devout and God fearing.

⚫Divulge (v)

Meaning-   reveal,  unravel

प्रकट करना,  खोल देना 

 Divulge   Synonyms -  disclose,  expose,  publish,  uncover 

 Divulge  Antonyms -  conceal, hide,  cover

🔹Use divulge in a sentence 

Example-  Ramesh tried to  gain my favour by divulging the secrets of my friends. 

⚫Defunct (adj)

Meaning-   dead, no longer in use


  Defunct Synonyms -  deceased,  extinct,  departed,  expired 

  Defunct Antonyms -  existing,  alive, operating 

🔹Use defunct in a sentence 

Example-  On account of heavy loss, the factory of Mr. Shukla is almost defunct. 

⚫Debauch (v)
Meaning-   corrupt
भ्रष्ट करना,  दूषित करना 

 Debauch  Synonyms -  deprave, debase, vitiate, brutalize 

 Debauch  Antonyms -  purify,  improve,  upgrade 

🔹Use debauch in a sentence 

Example-  Some of the TV channels have debauched the morals and manners of the youth of our country. 

⚫Dovetail (v)

Meaning-   fit together

मेल खाना,  सही तरह से करना 

 Dovetail  Synonyms -  accord,  correspond,  coincide,  match

Dovetail  Antonyms -  disconnect,  unlink, separate 

🔹Use dovetail in a sentence 

Example-  You can be benefitted only if you dovetail these two schemes to cut down the cost of the material. 

⚫Decoy (n)

Meaning-   lure,  bait

चारा, फँसाने वाले जानवर या चिड़िया 

Decoy  Synonyms -  trap, misdirect,  diversion,  mislead 

Decoy  Antonyms -  deter, repel, admonish 

🔹Use decoy in a sentence 

Example-  A goat is often used as a decoy by the hunters to catch a lion.

⚫Deride (v)

Meaning-   scoff at

उपहास करना 

Deride  Synonyms -  ridicule,  mock, taunt, scorn 

Deride  Antonyms -  respect,  commend,  compliment 

🔹Use deride in a sentence 

Example-  Ramesh is in the habit of deriding the achievements of his friends .

⚫Debacle (n)

Meaning-   downfall

सर्वनाश,  विध्वंस 

Debacle   Synonyms -  disaster,  fiasco, failure,  catastrophe 

 Debacle   Antonyms -  triumph,  success ,  achievement

🔹Use debacle in a sentence 

Example-  The poor batting performance resulted in the debacle of our team. 

⚫Deployment (n)

Meaning-   spreading out troops

तैनाती,  परिनियोजन 

Deployment  Synonyms -  distribution,  placement,  spread,  mobilisation

Deployment   Antonyms -  contraction,  waning,  fall

🔹Use deployment in a sentence 

Example-  The Central Government has promised the deployment of additional troops during elections. 

⚫Diffident (adj)

Meaning-   shy,  timid

शर्मीला,  संकोची 

Diffident  Synonyms -  bashful, humble ,  timorous,  coy

Diffident  Antonyms -  confident ,  sassy, desirous 

🔹Use diffident in a sentence 

Example-  A successful teacher is not expected to be diffident. 

⚫Desecrate (v)

Meaning-   violate, sanctity

भ्रष्ट करना,  अपवित्र करना 

 Desecrate  synonyms  - profane, defile, violate, debase

  Desecrate antonyms  - bless,dedicate,honor,consecrate 

🔹Use desecrate in a sentence 

Example-  The  rioters desecrated the  religious places. 

⚫Dulcet (adj)

Meaning-   melodious to the ear /taste


Dulcet  synonyms  - sweet,musical,melodious 
Dulcet antonyms  - obnoxious, unpleasant, harsh

🔹Use dulcet in a sentence 

Example-  As a singer, Jagjit Singh  is  known for his dulcet voice. 

⚫Demur (v)

Meaning-   delay,  hesitate

ऐतराज करना,  आपत्ति करना 

Demur synonyms  - object, protest, disagree, scruple 

Demur antonyms  - agree,accept, acquiesce

🔹Use demur in a sentence 

Example-  A practical man would never demur to avail himself of every chance. 

⚫Demure (adj)

Meaning- shy,  quiet

शांत,  सौम्य 

Demure  synonyms  - shy,humble, timid,coy

Demure  antonyms  - sassy,confident, bold,proud

🔹Use demure in a sentence 

Example- Sunaina is both demure and introvert. 

⚫Dilatory (adj)

Meaning-   Causing delay

विलंबकारी,  कार्य करने में सुस्ती 

Dilatory synonyms  - slow, tardy, slack, laggard

 Dilatory  antonyms  - punctual,flirty,diligent, prompt 

🔹Use dilatory in a sentence 

Example-  Many politicians consider dilatory tactics as an art of politics. 

💯Click here for the PART 3

Most Important vocabs /vocabulary for SSC cgl CPO chsl mts exams, Englishkendra

Part 2 of the compilation of most important vocabulary for SSC exams (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) Part 2 of the compilation of most important vocabulary for SSC exams (with synonyms, antonyms and its usage in a sentence) Reviewed by Admin on January 03, 2020 Rating: 5

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Note  :- The cloze/Closet tests available on EnglishKendra, have been prepared from  recent articles of newspapers(The Hindu, The Indian...

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