🔹NOTE - Links of the study notes(with examples, questions and solution) of each topic have been provided at the bottom of the page. 

🔘As we all know how important role "The Hindu VOCABULARY /vocabs"  play when it comes to SSC, IBPS, SBI, RBI exams. But memorizing and retaining them in our mind is still a challenge.To fix this, has come up with an idea of providing relatable and awesome examples that will stick to your mind as soon as you read it. You don't have to put efforts to memorize it or search here and there for THE HINDU words. "EnglishKendra team"  is dedicated to provide you "the best study materials for English" for SSC, BANK, RAILWAY exams, prepared by the experts. Do check out other posts as well.  
💯Click here for the compilation of VOCABS asked in BANK EXAMS 


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1)Obstreperous (n) 

Meaning - noisy and difficult to control
काबू के परे

Synonyms- unruly, unmanageable, undisciplined

Use obstreperous in a sentence

 Example - The man is cocky and obstreperous.

2)Arrant (adj) 
Meaning - used to say how bad something is.
निरा, परले दर्जे का 

Synonyms  - utter, absolute, complete

Use Arrant in a sentence

Example  - All of the rumours that are being spread about my relationship with Kartik are nothing but arrant rubbish, says Tara.

3) Trammel (n) 
Meaning - restrictions or impediments to freedom of action.
पाबंदी,  बंधन 

Synonyms- obstacle, barrier, handicap

Use Trammel in a sentence

Example  - I see an India where our youngsters forge their own future, free from the trammels of materialism, PM Modi.

4) Sulk (n) 
Meaning - a state of resentful silence or irritability
खीज, रूठना

Synonyms - grouch, hump, sad

Use Sulk in a sentence

Example  - He was sulking over the break-up of his band .

💯Click here for THE HINDU IDIOMS

5)Drub (v) 
Meaning - hit or beat (someone) repeatedly.
ठोकना,  पीटना 

Synonyms  - thrash, beat, trounce

Use Drub in a sentence

Example  - Rohit was drubbed with tiresome regularity by his classmates.

6) Commodious (adj)
 Meaning - roomy and comfortable
Synonyms- ample,substantial
विशाल,  बड़ा

Use Commodious in a sentence

Example- They moved to a more commodious dwelling.

7) Poignant (adj) 
Meaning - evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.
मार्मिक,  हृदय विदारक 

Synonyms  - sad, pitiable, affecting

Use Poignant in a sentence

Example  - The moment was too poignant to be interesting

8) Smattering (n) 
Meaning - a small number
अल्प संख्या/मात्रा 

Synonyms  - couple, few, sprink

Use Smattering in a sentence

Example  - Rohan spoke a smattering of words she didn't understand.

9) Lunacy (n
Meaning - a foolish act or idea
पागलपन,  बेवकूफ़ी

Synonyms- insanity, madness, mental illness

Use Lunacy in a sentence

Example- It was her lunacy that put us in this situation. 

💯Click here to attempt RC/PASSAGE (with detailed solution and handy tips) 
💯Click here to practise CLOZE TESTS (with detailed solution

10) Incongruous (adj)
 Meaning - not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something
बेतुका , असंगत 

Synonyms- unsuitable, out of place, inappropriate

Use Incongruous in a sentence

Example- The green shoes looked incongruous with the black dress Anushka Sharma wore. 

11) Salubrious (adj)
Meaning - health-giving; healthy

Synonyms- beneficial, good for one's health, healthful

Use Salubrious in a sentence

Example- I anticipate that I shall find the climate eminently salubrious.

12) Quarantine (n)
 Meaning - put (a person or animal) in quarantine.
संगरोध, निरोध

Synonyms- isolate, separate, keep apart

Use Quarantine in a sentence

Example - Sonali was admitted to quarantine ward to avoid the danger of spreading of viral fever in the hospital.

13) ecclesiastic (n
Meaning - a priest or member of the clergy

Synonyms  - clergyman, priest, clergywoman

Use ecclesiastic in a sentence

Example  - There was an ecclesiastical convention for pastors at the church in town.

💯Click here to practise PARA JUMBLES (with detailed solution and handy tips) 

14) Unadulterated (adj)
 Meaning - (especially of food or drink) having no inferior added substances; pure.
शुद्ध,  मिलावट रहित

Synonyms - purified, absolute, pure

Use Unadulterated in a sentence

Example  - The unadulterated taste of pepper was strong and pure.

💯Click here for the study notes on ACTIVE-PASSIVE VOICE(with examples)  
💯Click here for the study notes on DIRECT-INDIRECT SPEECH (with examples) 

15) Propitious (adj) 
Meaning - presenting favourable circumstances; likely to result in or show signs of success
शुभ, अनुकूल 

Synonyms  - favourable, auspicious, advantageous
Use Propitious in a sentence

Example  - The timing for such a meeting seemed propitious.

16) Evanescent (adj)
 Meaning - lasting a very short time; tending to vanish like vapour.
क्षणभंगुर, जल्द मिट जाने वाली 

Synonyms  - transient, vanishing, ephemeral

Use Evanescent in a sentence

Example  - For a  moment, the entire skyline was bathed in a orange-red hue in the evanescent rays of the sun set.

17) Veracity (n) 
Meaning - something that is true.
सच्चाई, सत्यता

Synonyms  - correctness, exactness, truth

Use Veracity in a sentence

Example  - Officials expressed doubts concerning the veracity of the story.

18) Jingoism (n) 
Meaning - extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy..
कट्टर राष्ट्रवाद 

Synonyms  - chauvinism, blind patriotism, extreme nationalism

Use Jingoism in a sentence

Example  - Patriotism turns into jingoism very quickly. 

19) Burgeon (v) 
Meaning - begin to grow or increase rapidly;flourish.
मुकुलित होना

Synonyms  - expand, spring up, grow rapidly

Use Burgeon in a sentence

Example  - Manufacturers are keen to cash in on the burgeoning demand.

20) Unclog (v)
 Meaning - remove accumulated matter from (a drain or other channel).
अनवरूद्ध करना,  खुला

Synonyms- meliorate, unblock, disencumber

Use Unclog in a sentence

Example  - Exfoliation unclogs pores and prevents blackheads.

21) Splurge (v)
 Meaning - to spend extravagantly or ostentatiously.
पैसे उड़ाना,  दिखावा करना

Synonyms - waste, squander, disburse

Use Splurge in a sentence

Example- Should I splurge on the really nice camera or just buy one of the cheap models?

22) Smug (adj)
 Meaning - having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements.
आत्मसंतुष्टि से पूर्ण 

Synonyms  - bighead, ego, conceitedness

Use Smug in a sentence

Example  - He was feeling smug after his win.

23) Leaven (v)
 Meaning - permeate and modify or transform (something) for the better.
प्रभावित करना,  तनाव कम करना 

Synonyms  - pervade, modify, transform

Use Leaven in a sentence

Example  - One should always try to leaven one's knowledge.

24) Breviary (n)
 Meaning - a book of the prayers, hymns, psalms, and readings for the canonical hours.
प्रार्थना पुस्तिका

Synonyms  - digest, epitome, conspectus

Use Breviary in a sentence

Example  - A speech that could serve as a breviary for impeachment is needed. 

25) Arrant (adj) 
Meaning - being notoriously without moderation.

Synonyms  - utter, absolute, complete.

Use Arrant in a sentence

Example  - The statement is complete and arrant nonsense.

26) Fawning (adj)
Meaning - displaying exaggerated flattery or affection; obsequious.
चापलूस,  खुशामदी

Synonyms  - sycophantic, cajoling, ingratiating

Use Fawning in a sentence

Example  - A group of fawning civil servants are sitting there. 

27) Incertitude(n) 
Meaning - uncertainty; doubt

Synonyms  - confused, suspicious

Use Incertitude in a sentence

Example  - The incertitude of his position in life caused him to postpone his marriage.

💯Click here for the compilation of 20 frequently asked error detection rules /GRAMMAR RULES in BANK exams. 
💯Click here for the compilation of frequently asked ERROR DETECTION RULES /GRAMMAR RULES in SSC exams

28) Impeccable (adj)
Meaning - in accordance with the highest standards; faultless.
पूर्ण रूप से सही, निर्दोष 

Synonyms  - faultless, unblemished, spotless

Use Impeccable in a sentence

Example  - She is a girl  of impeccable character

29) Truce (n) 
Meaning - an agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time.
युद्ध विराम, अस्थायी संधि काल

Synonyms  - armistice, suspension of hostilities, peace

Use Truce in a sentence

Example - The rebels agreed to a truce.

30) Aggrieve (v) 
Meaning - to make someone unhappy and angry
दुख देना 

Synonyms  - offend, hurt

Use Aggrieve in a sentence

Example  - He was  aggrieved because of the misconduct done by his wife .

31) Desolate (adj)
 Meaning - a desolate place is empty and not attractive, with no people or nothing pleasant in it
अकेला महसूस करना, सुनसान 

Synonyms  - gloomy, dull

Use Desolate in a sentence

Example  - The house stood in a bleak and desolate landscape.

32) Exhilarating (adj) 
Meaning - making one feel very happy, animated, or elated; thrilling.

Synonyms  - thrill, uplift

Use Exhilarating in a sentence

Example  - The music playing at the mall was exhilarating.

33) Bloviate (v) 
Meaning - to speak or write verbosely and windily.

Use Bloviate in a sentence

Example  - I do not like people that bloviate, as I hate conversation that does not have a point and takes too long.

34) Puritanical (adj) 
Meaning - having or displaying a very strict or censorious moral attitude towards self-indulgence.

Synonyms  - stuffy, starchy, prudish

Use Puritanical in a sentence

Example  - The region's farmers are insular and puritanical.

35) Swathe (n)
Meaning - a large part of something that includes several different things.
पट्टी,  चौड़ी पट्टी 

Synonyms  - envelope, area, track

Use Swathe in a sentence

Example  - These people represent a broad swathe of public opinion.

36) Farce (n) 
Meaning - an absurd event
तमाशा,  स्वाँग 

Synonyms  - pretence, travesty, sham

Use Farce in a sentence

Example  - The debate turned into a drunken farce.

37) Admonish (v)

Meaning-   warn,  reprove
चेतावनी देना,  गम्भीरता से सलाह देना 

Use Admonish in a sentence

Example- The officer admonished his subordinates for their irregular attendance. 

38) Assuage (v)

Meaning-   ease,   lessen

शांत करना 

Use Assuage in a sentence

Example- Rohit's friends assuaged his apprehension of injustice at the hands of the Principal. 

39) Alleviate (v)

Meaning-   relieve,   assuage

कम करना 

Use Alleviate in a sentence

Example- Saints are born to alleviate the pain and misery of mankind. 

40) Beguile (v)

Meaning-   delude,  cheat

जी बहलाना,  बेवकूफ बनाना 

Use Beguile in a sentence

Example-  Don't be beguiled by the pleasant manners of hypocrites. 

41) Behove (v)

Meaning-   suited  to befit,  become

उपयुक्त होना 

Use Behove in a sentence

Example-  It does not behove our political leaders to berate one another for failure in the field of economy. 

42) Banal (adj)

Meaning-   commonplace,  trite


Use Banal in a sentence

Example-  The stories of Ruskin Bond are not banal because he writes about uncommon subjects. 

💯Click here for the English translation of the song (Bekhayali)( Movie - Kabir Singh) 

(Motive of this translation -  letting English flow in your veins and make preparation of English interesting and easier.) 

Hope the post serves you! 
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Have a great time ahead!! 

💯Click here for the compilation of 20 frequently asked error detection rules /GRAMMAR RULES in BANK exams. 

💯Click here for the compilation of frequently asked ERROR DETECTION RULES /GRAMMAR RULES in SSC exams

💯Click here for the study notes on ADJECTIVE 

💯Click here for the study notes on VERB

💯Click here for the study notes on ADVERB 

💯Click here for the study notes on PREPOSITION 

The Hindu Vocabs compilation for SSC, BANK and other exams

Part 2 of THE HINDU VOCABULARY /VOCABS COMPILATION FOR SSC, BANK (IBPS, SBI) and other exams Part 2 of THE HINDU VOCABULARY /VOCABS  COMPILATION  FOR SSC, BANK (IBPS, SBI) and other exams Reviewed by Konceptkanya on December 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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Note  :- The cloze/Closet tests available on EnglishKendra, have been prepared from  recent articles of newspapers(The Hindu, The Indian...

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